Romney Loses!
Republicans Left to Wonder
When Massachusetts was called early Tuesday night for President Obama, I knew it was over. I mean if you can't win your own State, then you've got no chance. But did he ever really have a chance?
I say "No". Romney never had a chance as:
- Romney is the worse communicator I've ever seen.
- He's Rich
- he's Not a likable guy.
- Romney is a flip-flopper.
- Romney initiated Forced health care in his own State. And in deed never said he would Repeal Obama-Care, but Replace it.
- Everybody wants something for nothing, and that's what Obama promised. Free phones, Free health-care, Free food, Free everything. Well, at least until January 1st, 2013. THEN, the people will find out that there is no free lunch. That in deed, all these entitlements he has promised us, are/were nothing more than enticements. Enticements meant to lure us in, make us comfortable, and impossible to leave. Impossible, as we will soon be incapable of taking care of ourselves.
But Wait! That time has already arrived.
That's why we Re-elected this promiser of Obamatopia.
RE-elected, as we no longer believe that we are responsible for our own care or safety. Or even of our own actions as we are, "Victims of Society".
Victims of the Rich, Victims of the Whites, Victims of the Republicans, Victims of MEN!!!
Well there's nothing to worry about now. Obama's going to fix everything by taxing the rich (anybody who's got a job), and give it to the Islamic Brotherhood.
Now don't get me wrong as I do not blame Obama, or the Islamic Brotherhood. But rather the people of the United States for being such selfish, and naive fools.
I tried telling my Republican friends that Romney wasn't going to work. I mean to start, he's too much like John McCain. Old, and out of touch. And when I say "out of touch", I mean that most United States citizens don't care about their Nation. They only care about themselves. And, "what have you done for me lately". I mean, all you gotta do is watch an episode of Dr Phil, Jerry Springer, or Judge Judy, and you will see them everywhere. And in truth, Romney knew and identified these "Victims of Society", as the "47%" that would never vote for him. But that didn't stop him, and doesn't stop his fellow Republicans (if you can call them Republican), from fearing the loss of the "independent"vote.
I seriously doubt weather America will be able to recover from another Obama term. But if there is one thing I know for sure, it is that every veteran who has ever fought and died for this country, is now turning over in his grave.
But hey! I got my Free Obama Phone, computer, welfare check, food stamps, Sec 8 housing and Cadillac. What more could a man ask? Hell, I don't even have to work as Obama is going to tax the rich to pay for my welfare. (Only in America!)
Of course, the rich will soon be leaving America for more appreciative shores. And where will I be then? Communist Russia?
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