Gun Control, or Environmental Control?
In today's news media, mass murder is glorified with press coverage under the guise of the public's right to know.
But what about the public's right, not to know?
The media argues that if you do not want to know, turn off the TV.
But what about the public's right to keep the would be copy cats from knowing? Or in other words, the public's right to be protected under the law?
The media argues, "Freedom of the Press", and that this is the world we live in.
But the truth is, that this is not the world we live in. For if it were, then murder, even mass murder, would not be reported on as it would be nothing more than an everyday event. Therefore and in consideration of the Freedom of the Press. What about the mental health issue of providing an environment in which retribution through mass murder is the norm? For it is just such an environment that is praised by the news media, each time an incident occurs. Isn't that the same as an AR-15 with a multi-round clip? But that the bullets (news reports), are confirmations of fame and glory?
Many argue, that if only we had gun control, these criminal acts would not occur.
But what about China, where mass murders are committed with knives and swords?
And the Middle East, where mass murders are committed with home made bombs?
Many would argue that guns make it easier to commit these heinous acts, and therefore they should be banned. But what about planes, trains, and automobiles? All of which can be just as easily obtained. And all of which can be used to commit mass murder on an even more massive scale than an AR-15. Should not these weapons of destruction be banned as well? But that these types of implements are not as glorified as the gun. And why not? But that the News Media would have us to believe that while a train wreck is tradjec, it is not nearly as impressive or horrifying as a shooting. Which in perspective, argues to the point that, these types of acts should Not be publicized. As each time a mass shooting is publicized, copy cats, and even competitors for infamy, rise up to make their mark in history. And as the only reason for using a gun, is for the publicity.
In conclusion
The banning of guns will only promote the use of other, and more deadly weapons such as planes, trains, and automobiles. As these types of killing implements, would then be glorified by the press.
More than a sociological problem; gun violence, and even violence itself, is an environmental problem. And as it is the News Media that pollutes our environment with glorifications of such violence. It is the News Media that should be Banned from reporting on such incidents, while at the same time maintaining the freedom of the press by allowing them to report on the punishment of the criminals, rather than on the act itself.
The solution to ending Mass Shootings and even Terrorism, is not gun control.
It is Environmental Control.
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