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Friday, June 20, 2008

Who Killed Marilyn Monroe? Bobby Kennedy?

Trash Dispatch: from digg;

“Is she dead yet?” - FBI tape of Bobby Kennedy talking about Marilyn Monroe on the night she died.

Who Killed Marilyn Monroe? Bobby Kennedy?Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was tricked into killing herself by Bobby Kennedy.

So says Dr Jack Hattem, who, backed up by secret FBI files, says the Hollywood bombshell was somehow fooled into believing she would be revived in time as part of a plot involving Senator Robert Kennedy, the brother of JFK, who was gunned down 40 years ago this week.

Instead, Monroe, who staged many fake suicide attempts throughout her life to gain sympathy, was left to die by staff and friends. It’s all in Hattem’s new book Marilyn Monroe: Murder By Consent.

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