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Friday, June 20, 2008

TrashDispatch- U.S. military suicide rate highest in two decades

Trash Dispatch:

Report: U.S. military suicide rate highest in two decades

The number of Army suicides increased again last year, amid the most violent year yet in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

An Army official said Thursday that 115 troops committed suicide in 2007, a nearly 13 percent increase over the previous year’s 102. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because a full report on the deaths wasn’t being released until later Thursday.

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TrashDispatch! To the soldier, in the field.

I do not know if you will appreciate this, but I do know that while everybody else just talks about it (and even Uses Military suicide rates to their own ends). That I just had to say something to those who matter most to me, and that is you. It’s not much. But to those who may be struggling with issues of right and wrong, it may be everything. So here it is;
John the Baptist, came neither eating bread, nor drinking wine. Yet the “world” -in deed even his own kin- said that he had a Devil.

Jesus, on the other hand. Came both eating and drinking, and they said that he was a Drunk, and even a Sinner!

What does that mean?

My dear friends and brothers; It means that above All, Jesus Knows that in “this” world, we are damned if we Do, and Damned if we Don’t!

But that in His world, we are damned for neither.

And I know these things to be true because, Jesus himself said it in Luke 7:33.

So please, take care of yourselves.


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