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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

12yr old girl Caught dancing Nude in Dallas Strip Club

Trash Dispatch:

12yr old girl caught Dancing Nude in Dallas Strip Club
Not against Dallas Porn Shop Strip Club Policy!Bikini Contest

Diamond’s Cabaret- Strip Club, Nude Dancing, Gentleman’s Entertainment, Private Club.

Hottest Photos- AMATEUR Teeny Weenie Bikini Contest

Live Nude 12 yr old Girls!!!

The City of Dallas Texas has some of the HOTTEST LIVE NUDE DANCING Entertainment on the planet. And now we find out why…

The Dallas City Council is poised to reform the city’s sexually oriented business laws, culminating months of study and preparation by city attorneys at the behest of politicians convinced current ordinances are woefully weak.

But just hours before a scheduled Wednesday vote, only top city officials know what these proposed changes entail — and they’re refusing to discuss them publicly.

Such silence from typically talkative council members comes a day after City Attorney Tom Perkins circulated a confidential memorandum to Dallas’ elected leaders outlining his office’s proposed policy changes. The phrase “attorney/client privilege” is marked at the memorandum’s top, several council members and their aides said.

City Council member Mitchell Rasansky, chairman of the body’s finance, audit and accountability committee, says vetting such law proposals outside the view of strip club owners and pornography peddlers is appropriate, especially in light of Dallas police in March discovering a 12-year-old girl dancing nude in Diamond’s Cabaret, a Dallas club.

The club remains open, as no Dallas law yet allows the city to revoke an establishment’s sexually oriented business license for employing a minor. -DAVE LEVINTHAL / The Dallas Morning News

Trash Dispatch! And you thought the Trash Dispatch was Trashy!

Here’s something interesting. We Can’t make a law against just 12 year old minor children dancing nude in Nude Bars and Clubs, as then you would have to have a separate law for 13yr old children dancing nude. So instead of making all those Different laws, we make BLANKET laws.

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