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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

TrashDispatch- White People, Religion, and Guns

Trash Dispatch: White People, Religion, and Guns

BooBooKitty writes-
The famous oil painting of the founding fathers in Philadelphia by Howard Chandler Christy is best known as Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States. Prompted by past and recent statements made by Democrat candidate Barack Obama, I have decided to lead a movement to rename this historical piece.

Please sign in the comments section below to join the movement in renaming this work of art to:

Scene of Typical White People in Pennsylvania
Clinging to Religion and Guns

Scene of Typical White People in Pennsylvania Clinging to Religion and Guns

The Trash Dispatch found this rather interesting article “here” at the RedState blog, and does in fact support changing the name of this famous painting to; “Scene of Typical White People in Pennsylvania Clinging to Religion and Guns”.

However, we would also like to point out, a couple of very interesting comments that were made.

In comment #2 , a commenter, calling himself/herself “liberalrepublican” wrote-

“they are signing a document that says that recognizes and legitimizes slavery and counts a slave as 60% man.

So, no, they aren’t perfect.”

Comment #4; -while not exactly a confirmation but rather in an attempt to clarify- commenter “simpson316″ wrote;

“He is referring to the Three Fifths Clause in Article I Section 2 Paragraph 3

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons

While not explicitly condoning slavery, it did count all non-free as 60% of a person for tax and representation purposes. That is far better than nothing.”

In referencing the “Truth” however, -as we have All come to know the subversive nature of government- commentor “M Penny” in comment #10 wrote;

“…the 3/5ths issue had to do with the northern states not wanting the southern states to have a majority of the representation. The southern states wanted to count all population, both slave and non slave as one each. The northern states wanted to maintain control of the House of Representatives so they insisted that given that slaves were not being treated as equal in the south then southern states could not count them as whole.

It had nothing to do with the condition or value of a slave and everything to do with control of the government.

If you spent more time trying to learn something instead of widening that self-imposed chip on your shoulder then you would know these facts.
M Penny

As of this publication, there were 55 comments posted to the above RedState blog article. So if you would like to add your comment as to “if” the name of the famous “Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States” painting should be changed, then read RedState story | digg RedState story.

If however, you have a different supposition as to “why” the founding fathers would have included such a “discriminating” clause in the Constitution of the United States, then please comment below.

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