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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

TrashDispatch. Obama to Hillary- Annie get yer Gun!

Originally posted April 13 2008, "here" at the as "Obama Turns Tables on Clinton (or Annie get yer Gun!)".

Trash Dispatch:

Obama Turns Tables on Clinton (or Annie get yer Gun!)

Democrat Barack Obama lashed out Sunday at rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, mocking her sudden vocal support for gun rights at a union gathering in Pennsylvania. “She knows better. Shame on her. Shame on her.” Obama proceeded to jeer Hillary, comparing her to a poor imitation of Annie Oakley.

“She’s talking like she’s Annie Oakley,” Obama continued, saying “Hillary Clinton is out there like she’s on the duck blind every Sunday. She’s packing a six-shooter. Come on, she knows better. That’s some politics being played by Hillary Clinton.” …

….”This is the same person who spent a decade with her husband campaigning for NAFTA, and now goes around saying she’s opposed to NAFTA,” Obama said, referring to the North American Free Trade Agreement that is widely unpopular in blue collar communities.

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Trash Dispatch:
…. “YEEHAH!!!” “Annie Get yer Gun!”

“Thars gonna be a shootin!”Get em, Annie. Get em!

Well Folks, it is, as I said it was. And would be! (”Fun”.)

For as long as we have Two (2) candidates “Duking it Out”, …We the Voters, will Learn.

And just what have we learned, …but that Barack Obama isn’t above “low blows” himself. Or, as I’m sure Obama would put it, “Shootin a man in the Back”. (I wonder? Does it mean Obama is even Lower than the man who shot the other man in the back?… because Obama shot a “woman” in the back? …Oh well. I digress.)

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Gather round Folks! It was Not without Reason the Trash Dispatch decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Presidential nomination, “HERE”. For as Illinois Democratic Candidate Barack “Wild Bill” Obama would have us know, Senator Hillary “Annie Oakley” Clinton, can and will shoot, in whichever direction the Voters Point, and Hit whatever target the Voters Choose! Period end of story, as it is for that very reason, The Trash Dispatch Supports Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Presidential nomination, with it’s post.

“I want a President who will do whatever *I* tell him/her to do”, said one voter. And that “if Bush has shown us one thing; it is that what we Don’t want, is some Holier than Thou religious fanatic who by their Own self-Righteousness, will do whatever *they* want to do.”

And in deed, that is what we see with Democratic Candidate Barack “Wild Bill” Obama, as he “believes” -just as President Bush believes- that he is “the Chosen One”. And that he is here, for a purpose.
And “apparently”, Big Business believes that too as Every Major Newspaper in Texas, and Most across the United States, have endorsed Barack Obama as the nominee. And I don’t know, but that maybe that’s what makes me even More suspicious of Obama as he might just turn out to be a Dirty, No good, Low-down, Big Business Rattlesnake!

Hillary “Annie Oakley” Clinton on the other hand, has her Vanity to consider. And with Senator Barack “Wild Bill” Obama’s own words he reinforces our conjecture that “Annie”, will do whatever she had to do including, her new found support for “Gun Rights”, and her newfound *Un-support, for NAFTA. Something which we have all come to Hate and Despise as in Truth, it was the First Bush who initiated that “Destroyer of the American Economy”, and in deed was the very reason Independent Candidate “Ross Perot” entered the 1992 Presidential race.

Ross Perot stated, “if NAFTA passes your going to hear a Giant Sucking Sound as American Manufactures head south”. And he was Right! But again I digress! For in the end the only thing that matters is the if Hillary, is willing to stand For gun rights, and Against NAFTA. Then I say; “Go get em Annie!”


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