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Friday, April 18, 2008

Multiple Teachers, Multiple Sex Parties, Multiple Male Students

Trash Dispatch:

Multiple Teachers, having Multiple Sex Parties, with Multiple Male Students

Has the whole world gone mad?
Have these women lost their minds?
Do teachers become teachers,
just so they can be close to Children???

Secret phone calls!
Multiple Sex Parties, with Multiple Children!
Enticement! Seduction! Manipulation! and Rape!!!
…yet ALL, are out on bail.

And where have all the children gone,
but into a Brain-Washed state of HELL!!! they blame themselves, for their teacher’s demise.

And where is CPS Child Protective Services,
but down in Texas taking babies from their mothers.

The world Has gone mad.Stephanie Ragusa, a 28-year-old middle school teacher- Pedophile!

TAMPA, Fla. — Stephanie Ragusa, a 28-year-old middle school teacher in Tampa, Fla., has been arrested for a second time, accused of having a sexual relationship with “another” underage student.

She was first arrested on March 13 and charged with five counts of lewd and lascivious battery for having sex (at least three times) with a then 14-year-old boy from January 2007 to May 2007.

On Tuesday, Ragusa was arrested Again, charged with two More counts of sex with a minor, and one More count of lewd and lascivious battery stemming from an alleged relationship with a 15-year-old.

Ah, but it gets better (or worse), as Stephanie Ragusa, was but the First of Three teachers arrested and charged with having sex with male students.

Three Pedophile Female Teachers

In deed within two weeks following that arrest, high school honors English teacher Mary Jo Spack, age 45, was also arrested. She is accused of meeting a 17- and an 18-year-old student at a liquor store and leading them to a motel room, where more students allegedly joined the party.

And on Monday night, substitute teacher Lisa Marinelli, age 40, a married mother of two, was arrested by sheriff’s deputies and charged with unlawful sex with a minor. The 17-year-old victim told detectives he had sex with Marinelli 10 times. Authorities said they believe the boy.

“There’s phone records, the text messages, the underwear, their statements,” said Pasco County sheriff’s detective Michelle March.

Karen Duncan a therapist who specializes in treating sexually abused women and children said she believes it’s not that female teachers are abusing their students more frequently, but that we are only becoming more aware of it.

“That the cultural belief, you know, that boys can’t be victims, therefore females can’t be offenders, has been starting to be challenged (more) now than it was 30 years ago,” she said.

Well, Trash Dispatch!
Who could have known that

Women, are just as Dirty as Men!


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