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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Texas Polygamist Wives Awakened!

Trash Dispatch:

Polygamist Wives, Awakened!Polygamist Wives, Determined!

When we first saw them, they were solitary, reserved, and some would say, “almost catatonic” having been Brain-Washed by their Male-Captors.

But in this photo (taken by the Associated Press), the looks on the faces of these polygamist women are not those of abused, sheltered, or brain-washed women; but of Determined Mothers.

I’ve seen that look before.
And I’ve got a feeling, the War has yet to begin.

Note, that in this picture, the woman’s feet aren’t even touching the ground!

Oh I’ve got a feeling,
that the State and CPS have No Idea as to what they’ve let themselves in for.

I can see it now;
“WHO are YOU, to Dictate the welfare of my children? they will ask.

“WE are a Nation of Laws”, comes the reply.

“YOU are a nation of Hypocrites who come into this court with “un-clean” hands as you have Broken Your Own Laws, to Take My Children and Destroy My Home!


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