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Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Scariest Verse in the Bible

Trash Dispatch:

The Scariest Verse in the Bible.Hell

Ecclesiastes 11:3 “If the clouds be full of rain, they empty upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.”

Translation: Are you having a nice life?

Then so Too you may expect to have a nice, afterlife. But if your life isn’t so great… if, in fact; your life is Miserable and wretched and Poor… then so too, “afterlife”.

Ecclesiastes! The book containing the sum of Solomon’s wisdom. After reading this book, -for myself- this is what I have come to know. “The More things Change, the More they stay the Same!”

Ecclesiastes 1:9 “That which hath been, shall be again. And that which was done, done again. There is no new thing under the sun.”

Solomon had an ability to not only engage in worldly things, but to see them from a far even while he was engaged in them. Which, I’m guessing, is how he was able to escape those things once involved (such as addictions), as he could see that they were nothing more than Vanity, and a Waste, of his time.

Sex, Drugs, Wine, and even outright Sin. He did it All. And intentionally which, most of us wouldn’t even consider sinning “intentionally”. Nevertheless, because Solomon did what he did, he could easily say; “Been there, done that, Moved On!”

Do you realize how powerful that statement is?

President George Bush: “I built a Nation!”

Solomon: “Yep. Been there, done that, Moved On!

In deed Solomon chalked his nation building up to nothing more than Vanity, and a waste of his time. “Why?” Because it had been done before. And would be done many times again. (No glory in doing something that has already been done. Only vanity.)

Truth: The more things change, the More they stay the same! Behold the Scientist of Our time. They marvel at the Universe saying; “it is an Ever-Changing universe”. Yet, the more it changes, the More it stays the same. Worlds collide, worlds are formed. (Nothing new Above the sun either, it would seem.)

We can expect therefore,
that Even in Death (as the tree falls), NOTHING CHANGES!!!

Are you enjoying life, Now?
Are you enjoying Your life, Now?

If your answers are “no”, then you best be discovering the wisdom that is Solomon’s. For in truth, suicide will not change your life; but only damn you to it!

Now let me ask you this!

Is your life heaven? Or is it, Hell?

Yet before you answer, remember this. Jesus said; “there is a WAR in heaven, and the Strong man will take it by force”. How then, is heaven any different from Our own world?

It Isn’t! For there is No New Thing, even Beyond the sun.
In truth, as well as in deed therefore. The Scariest verse in the bible is…

Ecclesiastes 11:3 -

"in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be."

or in other words;

“If you Die in Hell, you shall Remain in hell.”




Ok, here’s the out!




Salvation is NOW!!!


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