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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Court Rules Abuse of Power by Texas Child Protective Services

Trash Dispatch:

Court Rules Abuse of Power by Texas Child Protective ServicesPolygamist Wives, VICTORIOUS!!!

A state appellate court ruled Thursday that child welfare officials had no right to seize hundreds of children from a polygamist sect’s ranch on April 3. It was unclear how many children were affected by the ruling. The state took 464 children into custody, but Thursday’s ruling directly applied to the children of 48 sect mothers…

read msnbc story | digg story

TrashDispatch: Let me put it this way. “We Think” you may be abusing your children. Therefore, we will not Only take Your children. But you Neighbor’s children as well. HA! And there is Nothing you can do about it… until today.

Thank God for the Texas 3rd Appellate Court ruling! Let’s just hope it’s not overturned by the State’s Supreme Court. On the other hand; if the ruling is overturned. I feel that there will be a Whole Lot More Protests on the court house steps than just the polygamist wives, by themselves. At least, I should Hope there would be.

And as far as the polygamist “Life Style” is concerned. How should we discriminate? …What? the Gay and lesbian lifestyle is “OK” but… Not the polygamist lifestyle?

So what about the African-American lifestyle? Or the Native-American lifestyle? The Mexican or Canadian Lifestyles? What about, YOUR Lifestyle?

Yes, I think maybe a Crank Call to CPS is in order here, as That, is Exactly what anyone who discriminates against the polygamist is sanctioning. The right to Destroy Your lifestyle, and your Family, simply because… “We Don’t Like You!”

Oh yes, I have heard the argument of “Child Abuse”. But then, so did the The Texas 3rd Appellate Court Judge. And what the court found, is that there was No Evidence! And in Fact, that there was NEVER ANY EVIDENCE!!!

It was ALL LIES and DECEPTION cooked up by, …by, Hmmm?


  • Court: Texas Had No Right to Seize Children at Polygamist Ranch - Washington Post
    A Texas appeals court ruled today that state child welfare authorities had no right to seize dozens of children living at the ranch of a polygamist religious sect, saying they were in no immediate danger of abuse. The 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin ruled in favor of 48 mothers seeking the return of more than 130 children who had been living at a ranch near Eldorado, Tex., associated with the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
  • The New York Times: Appeals Court Rules Against Texas in Polygamy Case
    HOUSTON — A Texas appeals court ruled Thursday that state authorities and a lower court judge abused their authority by illegally seizing up to 468 children from their homes at a polygamist ranch in West Texas last month…. According to the court, the state did not establish proper grounds to remove the children from their families, …

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