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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Teen sex study doubts ”technical virginity”

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Teen sex study doubts ”technical virginity”Teen Sex

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A survey examining sexual practices of U.S. teens has undercut the notion that many engage in oral sex rather than intercourse to stay ”technically” virgins, researchers said on Tuesday. The findings, published…

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“There is a widespread belief that teens engage in nonvaginal forms of sex, especially oral sex, as a way to be sexually active while still claiming that, technically, they are virgins,” Laura Lindberg of the Guttmacher Institute in New York, who led the study, said in a statement.

“However, our research shows that this supposed substitution of oral sex for vaginal sex is largely a myth. There is no good evidence that teens who have not had intercourse engage in oral sex with a series of partners.”

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