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Friday, April 04, 2008

TrashDispatch- Gas Shortage is a LIE! : Businessweek

Trash Dispatch:

Our gas shortage is a LIE! : Businessweek
Big oil made it up.
Ed Wallace

At least, that’s how the headline reads at However, the actual BusinessWeek headline reads;

There Is No Gas Shortage
But Washington, Wall Street, and ethanol and oil and gas companies want you to think there is, says automotive expert Ed Wallace.

[excerpt] (Assertion made by administration)

“They see speculation in the market, I see decline in global inventories. I don’t think this is a big surprise, that we’ve had a jump in price when there has been a decrease in crude inventories.”— Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, Bloomberg News, Mar. 5, 2008

“It should be obvious to you all that the [gasoline] demand is outstripping supply, which causes prices to go up.” — President George W. Bush, Associated Press, Mar. 5, 2008

One wonders if verifiable facts ever get in the way of this administration’s statements on issues that are critical to the average American’s wellbeing.

Automotive Expert Ed Wallace answers…

1. There Is No Shortage

Gasoline reserves on hand are at the highest levels since the early 1990s, …

Trash Dispatch: This is a MUST READ story! I’ve been listening to “Wheels” with Ed Wallace on Klif 570AM radio for a couple of years now. And if there is one thing I can tell you about this man, it is that his “claims”, are backed-up by Solid sources which he cites in this article at Businessweek.

read more | digg story

Ed Wallace, is the host of a radio talk show called, “Wheels”.
It is aired every Saturday morning, from 8am-1pm,
on Klif 570AM radio in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.

It IS, (in my opinion as I sure it will be yours too), the best automotive talk show in north Texas and most likely in America.

“Mr. Wallace”, (though he would have you call him Ed),
has a well above average knowledge of the automotive industry, management and of car manufacturers, new and used vehicles, and governmental issues facing the American public.

But Ed is also a historian,
and he does a segment each Saturday which he calls;
“The Backside of American History”.

Now folks, I want you to know,
that this segment of his show is Absolutely Fascinating!

He is well worth listening to,
and “The Backside of American History” is just as it is billed on Wheels:

“Things you didn’t learn in school”

Well, maybe we would have learned these things in school “if”, they would have interested us. But let’s face it, teachers aren’t really teachers, their employees waiting for payday so they can go out, and get away from all us kids. But, I digress.

Truth is “I Love this show”. Ed Wallace is more like a Story teller, than a teacher. And should you decide to listen to his show, his “The Backside of American History” segment, airs at about 9:30am. But I urge you, to listen to his show from the start (8:00am) as he delivers the week’s news in review. It is in this segment, that that which we’ve been hearing all week, begins to make since.

Again, it’s “Wheels” with Ed Wallace, Saturday mornings from 8am-1pm on Klif 570AM radio in Dallas Texas. (1700 AM in the Sherman & Denison TX)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled !


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