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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Trash Dispatch Time Capsule!

Originally posted April 4 2008, "here" at the

Trash Dispatch:

Gas Shortage a Lie!

Not just another traffic stop.
“Can we take your DNA Please?”

(you’ve Got to read this one!)

I did a report in Oct 2007 (America Vetoes G7 Dollar Crisis Alert!). At that time, the US Dollar was worth, $1.43 against the Euro. I just checked and TODAY it is only worth “$0.6354″. That’s down over 50% in less than 6 months. And what does President Bush say he’s gonna do about it? “No problem! We’ll just Print More money!” -that coming from his new Treasury Secretary/Fed Chief who also by the way, has introduced a plan to Merge all financial institutions (banks, S&Ls, Brokerages, Federal Reserve, …Insurance Companies!) and their governing agencies, all in under one roof just like they did with “Homeland Security”. In other words, Bush ain’t Less government. He’s PRO government!


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