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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

400 Children Abducted from small Texas Community

Originally posted April 7 2008, "here" at the

Trash Dispatch:

400 Children Abducted from small Texas Community

On the word of a “so-far” non-existent 16 yr old girl, the united States Federal Government with Absolutely NO Evidence, Yet under the guise of the Texas Child Protective Services (CPS) Authorities, has moved in and ABDUCTED over 400 Children (that’s, U.S. Citizens) from their families in a small Texas community (YFZ Ranch) located just North of Eldorado and about 120 miles northwest of San Antonio.

Scores of women have also reportedly been removed from or left the compound owned by the secretive sect.

-reports Reuters although Reuters also reports-

Texas child protection authorities could not immediately be reached for comment.

Lisa Block, a spokeswoman with the Department of Public Safety, told Reuters one person had been arrested at the compound for “interfering with the duties of a public servant” but no one has yet been arrested on charges related to the abuse probe.

“An unknown number of men remain on the compound and are not free to leave,” she said.CPS Raid

Hell No they ain’t free to leave! They are going to find some excuse to Kill Them All! Either by Bullet, or by FIRE like they did with the Branch Dividians. Anybody remember Waco?

I guess, the United States Government has figured out that all you have to do is Label a community as “Secretive”, or as “a Religious Sect”, or …“a bunch of No Good Dirty Child Molesters”, and you can get the American Public behind you enough to Wipe them out without so much as a whimper of protest.

AH!!! But they didn’t figure on the Trash Dispatch!

Ask yourselves; “Why” and on “What Authority” the US Government has done this, and according a CNN report, they will tell you that;

“According to the search warrant, authorities are seeking Dale Barlow, 50, whom they suspect of having married and fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl.” -CNN- “The warrant cited an “immediate need” for authorities to have access to the 16-year-old and an 8-month-old child with either the last name of Barlow or the girl’s last name. It instructs law enforcement officers to look for any records showing that Barlow and the girl were married and any evidence of them having a child.”

So now Wait a Minute! Since when does a Warrant for the arrest of ONE man, empower law enforcement to remove hundreds of children from hundreds of families? And I’m not even sure it was an “Arrest” warrant as there have been NO FORMAL CHARGES filed! So like, “how are they getting away with this?” and… “What Ever Happened to Due Process???”

Authorities believe that they “had been abused or were at immediate risk of future abuse,” said Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar.

Texas Compond

Oh, OK! So authorities only have to BELIEVE you’re a criminal, and you’re a Criminal. Or that you Might Become a criminal, and your a criminal. Well, that’s nothing new.

Marleigh Meisner, a spokeswoman for the Texas Child Protective Services Division, stated; “The children — most of them girls — were being interviewed by special investigators,”

We’re trying to find out if they’re safe,” she explained. “We need to know if they have been abused or neglected.”

All Right! Now just Stop it Right there!

Trash Dispatch!!!

as a former Grand Juror, I was privy to a certain Child Protective Services case, wherein the interrogation tactics came into question.

In deed it was found, that the “interrogation tactics” used by CPS officials were in fact “Manipulative, Coercive, and Brain Washing”, as the child in this particular case was subjected to HOURS of questioning and Cross-questioning with Rewards for right answers, and Threats of losing their parents for wrong answers.

The child was made to Play Sexual (Mommy and Daddy) Games with Dolls, and then asked Repeatedly; “Did Daddy Touch you there?” - “Did Mommy Touch You there?” — “It’s ok! You can tell me. I’m your Friend.”

CIA? Waterboarding? Torture? Gitmo? Abu Gurib? Are all nothing but a bunch of Amateurs compared to the CPS Child Protective Services “Psy-Ops” division. I mean it one thing to “water board” a terrorist, even a Suspected terrorist. But it’s another thing to be so CRUEL and HEARTLESS and POWER HUNGRY, that you would so Confuse a child that you might Trick them into implicating their parents in a sexually abusive act that NEVER took place, is INSANE!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, the case before the Grand Jury was not against the CPS, but the parents of said child. And as the Grand Jury is Sworn to Secrecy, there was nothing that could be done. Nothing that could be done Except, “No-Bill” the Claims of the CPS official thereby denying them of their Glory(?), Victory(?), ABUSE OF POWER!!!

I cannot tell you how Sick it made me to sit there and listen to that Jack-Booted CPS Official. I mean, these were not things (abuses) which the Grand Jury discovered in their (our) investigation. No, these were the “Facts” as laid out by the CPS Official as to how “she” was able to “break the child”, and get the evidence needed to removed the child, and send the parents to Prison.

Oh you can bet your dispatch I’m gonna stay on top of this one folks. Not that I am “for” child abuse, you understand. But that I am Against- Abuse of Power!

For in truth, as the abuse of power that a parent exhorts against a child is shameful, and “should be” punished. It is however, but a single child. Whereas the abuse of power as I have seen exhibited by Child Protective Services before the Grand Jury is, against the whole family! In deed, it is against ALL FAMILIES!!!! Parents and Children alike!

Again, let me make myself perfectly clear. I HATE Pedophiles! And according to the CNN report;

The church openly practices polygamy in two towns straddling the Arizona-Utah state line — Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona — but members living on their Texas ranch rarely venture into Eldorado, four miles to the south.

Critics of the sect say that it arranges marriages for girls as young as 13 and that competition for brides may be reduced through exiling young men. If male followers are excommunicated, the critics claim, their wives and children can be reassigned to someone else.

But the Muslims do Exactly the Same thing, and you don’t see the United States Government (or CPS) moving against them.

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