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Monday, March 03, 2008

Trash Dispatch Endorses Hillary Clinton for Democratic Nominee!

Trash Dispatch:
Right about now Mrs. Clinton is looking for a closet to hide in as let’s face it, The Trash Dispatch, is not exactly a main stream newspaper (blog) from which you Want, an endorsement. Nevertheless…

The Trash Dispatch announces it’s endorsement of New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic Presidential nominee.hillary_rodham_clinton.jpg

But this endorsement, comes not without explanation.

First and Second; Hillary Clinton is Controllable.
Barack Obama is Not!

And by that I mean;
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has proved, that she will Change her position on an issue according to which way the wind is blowing. And by “the wind”, I mean the Will of the People.

But i don’t have to tell you that as Radio Talk Show host Rush Limbaugh has been telling you about the Clinton’s changing positions for years. Yet, while Rush Limbaugh sees “changing positions according to the Wind” as a Bad thing, the Trash Dispatch sees it as a Good thing.

For if the George Bush Presidency has taught us anything,
it should be that What we DON”T want,
is a President who will do whatever They want to do,
even in Spite of what the People/Voters want.

In deed, Rush Limbaugh use to always say that “the Clintons
will put their finger to the wind to see which way the wind is blowing BEFORE they Act on an issue”
. And I say, that’s the kind of President we need! One who will, “seek the Will of the People”, instead of Their Own will.

And that’s why, The Trash Dispatch is now endorsing New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic Presidential nominee.

There are other factors of course.

Like, ALL the major newspapers in Texas have endorsed Senataor Barack Hussein Obama. (Oh, Sorry! I forgot, we’re are not supposed to use Hussein’s middle name. Oppps, Did it again.) Nevertheless, there has Got to be something wrong with EVERY newspaper in Texas endorsing Barack Obama.

I mean, for One (1): Newspapers Don’t Care about the people.
They only care about selling newspapers. And two (2):
The main stream newspapers are a part of the “Corporate America” that “Hussein Obama”, preaches against. So why Would they endorse him???

There is a Third reason for not voting for Obama to be sure. Yet, it is on more of a personal, even emotional level, rather than one of any real substance.
I resist, of course, mentioning my “feelings” about a candidate. As in truth, they are, just feelings. Nevertheless, here they are for you to examine.

The biggest problem I have with Barack Obama is that his speeches,
remind me of the speeches we heard from Reverend Jim Jones of the Guyana Jim Jones. Fear, my children. For the American Corporate Monster has found us. And seeks to take from us, all that we are. Follow me, my children… into oblivion.”

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me but…

“I’m NOT a Follower!!!”

And at least, in My opinion,
a strong corporate America, is a Strong America!
Whereas a strong “Worker” America, is a nation of Slaves!

I know. It sounds crazy.
And even counter to everything I believe in as an American. But then, do You honestly think that a strong corporate Capitalist America would allow this nation to be taken by foreign invaders? NO!!! And again HELL NO!!!

And note, that I included the “Capitalist” adverb, to the identity of a Corporate America. For do you truly think that we could have a corporate America without capitalism? And do you truly think that you will have the Right to do whatever you want to do in a Socialist, Communist government? I mean, just ask the Russians. As they still remember, that a Socialist government, “IS” a Corporate government!

Yet, for you, I guess it would depend on how you define, “American”.
As I define American, as a Capitalist!!!
One who is able to not only take care of himself,
but of his own Free Will, others as well.

An American is NOT, one who needs the help of a Communist, Socialist, Islamic, or even a Corporate Government, to Force him to care for others, even, weather they deserve it or Not.

For these reasons and more, The Trash Dispatch endorses Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as the Democratic nominee.

For whereas Senator Clinton seeks to help the poor for no other reason than because she is a Bleeding Heart Liberal; Senator Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Seeks the Power of a Disgruntled people.

It is, as it was, in the Before time. When Lucifer went about the Kingdom, spreading Dissension. Let us hope therefore, that history repeats it’s self. And only one-third of the kingdom, will Follow him. ~TD

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