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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, lie in the Same bed.

Trash Dispatch: -Race vs. Gender-

Hillary and Obama make plans for lieing in the same bed.Race vs. Gender- Hillary and Obama

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are discussing plans to lie together in the Same bed as long as, and of course, Hillary gets to be on top!

Obama, on the other hand -or maybe I should say; on the bottom-, said that he doesn’t mind being on the bottom as he is strong enough to take Hillary to the floor.

To the floor of the DNC that is.Hillary on Top!

  • Clinton hints at shared ticket (AP)- Hillary Rodham Clinton, fresh off a campaign-saving comeback, hinted Wednesday at the possibility of sharing the Democratic presidential ticket with Barack Obama — with her at the top. Obama played down his losses, stressing that he still holds the lead in number of delegates.


  • Clinton upbeat and ready to take on McCain (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, whose campaign took new life after crucial victories over Barack Obama in Ohio and Texas, said on Wednesday she was the best Democrat to beat presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in the November U.S. presidential election.

  • TrashDispatch: Senator Hillary Clinton takes on an entire football team. Barack Obama quarterbacks!

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