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Thursday, February 28, 2008

TrashDispatch: Marijuana Reform Advocate William F. Buckley is Dead

Trash Dispatch:

Marijuana Reform Advocate William F. Buckley is Dead

William F. Buckley

The intellectual father of modern American conservatism and strong marijuana reform supporter William F. Buckley has died at the age of 82.

Buckley founded the influential National Review magazine and occasionally used that platform to advocate for marijuana reform to the conservative movement.

The above news article comes from the Marijuana Policy Posse blog, read more | digg story who also quotes Mr. Buckley from a May 2005 National Review interview in which he stated;

“Marijuana is not harmless, and its use should be discouraged, but in the same way, say, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day should be discouraged. The criminal justice system should stay out of it.”

Mr. Buckley’s statement is consistent with a recent Trash Dispatch article (link: US Congress Wasting Tax Payer Dollars! ) in which the Trash Dispatch points out that the United States Congress is spending WASTING Millions of Tax Payer dollars, on themselves, to prosecute Sports Baseball player Rodger Clements for steroid use. An issue which is, or should be, NONE of the Government’s Damn Business!

William F. Buckley was a staunch Republican Conservative but, above all, he was a Concerned Citizen who believed in Less government control.

In spirit and in deed, his Legacy and his Crowning achievement in life -and that of which he was most proud- is the conservative magazine, the National Review.

“The National Review is my legacy”, he would say in a late night interview with Charlie Rose.

Charlie Rose is an Emmy award winning journalist who has been praised as “one of America’s premier interviewers.” He is the host of “Charlie Rose”, the nightly PBS program that engages America’s best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers.

Among them of course, is/was William F. Buckley, whom Charlie Rose interviewed Many times and is soon to produce a Tribute to William F. Buckley which you can find, “HERE”.

You can also see Charlie’s many interviews with William F. Buckley, “HERE”.

In the final analysis, and the whole reason the Trash Dispatch chose the “Marijuana Advocate” headline. Is because William F. Buckley stood for Freedom in America. And that that freedom, could Not be obtained through governmental controls; but only through “Conservative Values”.

William F. Buckley- dead at the age of 82.

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