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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

TrashDispatch: Texas Shoot Out! Barack Obama vs Hillary Clinton


Showdown in Texas! Hillary Clinton vs Barack ObamaBarack Obama Reunion Areana Dallas Texas

Dallas, Texas- Senator, Democratic Presidential Nominee “hopeful”, Barack Hussein Obama, draws 20,000 people, to Reunion Arena in Downtown Dallas.

Chelsie ClintonAcross town, Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Senator, and Democratic Presidential Nominee “hopeful”, Hillary Clinton; campains for her mother at an un-mentioned university with maybe, 2000 people.

Texas is normally friendly to the Clintons, so no doubt Hillary would have drawn the same size crowd(s) (in both Houston and Dallas), had she campaigned in Texas. But at stake, is both Ohio and Texas. So while Chelsie Clinton campaigned in Texas, Senator Hillary Clinton, campaigned in Ohio, to somewhat smaller crowds.

But then, there is tomorrow night!

From Austin, Texas. A debate!

A “Shoot Out”, with Senator Hillary Rodum Clinton at one end of town,
and the Great Orator of the Democrats,
Senator Barack Hussien Obama at the other end of town;
in what is shaping up to be the first Real “Texas Showdown
we’ve seen around here in a long time.

In deed, the two Democratic Senators will “Shoot it Out” in a Democratic Presidential Nomination debate in Austin, Texas on the University of Texas campus at Austin (UTA), in the LBJ (Lyndon Baynes Johnson) Auditorium, starting at “Sun Down” (7:00pm CDT). Well ok, so shoot outs in Texas usally happen at High Noon. But hey, times have changed and now there is nothing like gnawing on the bones of the dead before bedtime.

And what a feast this is gonna be as Senator Barack Hussien Obama comes riding into town on Black Stallion, very much like Zorro, to Save the villagers from the oppressive federal government.

And Senator Hillary Rodum Clinton? Well, I think she’s coming in on a bus as campaign funds have dried up to little more than a mud hole. Well, that’s how it goes out here is the west. One day your ridin high, and the next, your over-run by those who would have you to “change”.

At any rate, there’s a New Sheriff in town folks! And his name, is Barack Obama.

Nevertheless, tomorrow night’s showdown should be one for the record books. So don’t miss it! Thursday, 7:00pm, in Austin Texas.


Barack Obama fires up crowd at Dallas rally

  • As a Reunion Arena crowd roared before him, Barack Obama offered himself Wednesday as the best chance for Democrats to beat John McCain and win the White House in November. …Older white women danced with young black men who sported hip-hop attire. Rustic men in cowboy hats took photos with well-manicured college-aged women.They chanted “Obama, Obama,” rarely taking the seats for a rest.Cowboys legend Emmitt Smith, who spoke before Mr. Obama, told the crowd that he was brought to Dallas not only to win Super Bowls, but to support Mr. Obama for president.”Right now, we’re on the right team,” Mr. Smith said. “I was placed here for this moment right now. If you believe in change, you’re voting for Barack Obama.”

Clinton faces daunting delegate deficit (AP)

  • Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton must win 57 percent of the remaining primary and caucus delegates to erase Barack Obama’s lead, a daunting task requiring landslide-sized victories by a struggling presidential candidate.Obama’s victories in Wisconsin and Hawaii on Tuesday — his ninth and 10th in a row — left him with 1,178 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses in The Associated Press’ count. Clinton has 1,024.

Texas’ complicated rules may favor Obama

  • DALLAS - Hillary Rodham Clinton has been waiting to get to Texas to begin her comeback against a surging Barack Obama. She might be more careful about what she wishes for. Clinton has been banking on the state’s large Hispanic population — typically about a quarter of the turnout in Democratic primaries — to give her a victory on March 4.But the Democratic Party in President Bush’s home state has a complicated, hybrid primary-caucus that might just be better suited for Obama.

Wisconsin? Action moves to Texas and Ohio
Democratic contenders move on to next big prizes of primary season

  • In this blue-collar suburb of Cleveland, one of them, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, spoke at Grace’s Grill of her plans to revitalize the ailing Ohio economy… Mrs. Clinton’s rival, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, was in San Antonio,…

Democrats Obama, Clinton star in high-stakes Austin debate

  • Austin gets an unexpected turn as the center of the American political universe tonight as Sens. Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Clinton of New York face each other in debate on the University of Texas campus (7 p.m., CNN). The two Democratic presidential candidates are veterans at this, but for Texas Democrats - many just now paying close attention to the race - this is a great chance to see for themselves what all the excitement is about.

Clinton, Obama to debate in Austin before Texas primary

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama will debate Feb. 21 in Austin.
    The Texas Democratic Party and the Lyndon B. Johnson Foundation are hosting the event, which will be aired on CNN and Univision. CNN will telecast the forum live from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


  • In what promises to be the most important presidential debate since Kennedy-Nixon, Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton will square off next week in a televised showdown which may well decide who gets the Democratic nomination.
    All eyes are on Austin in the runup to the statewide presidential primary debate which will take place on March 4th. Democratic strategists predict that if Hillary Clinton does not win Texas and Ohio, her campaign is over. That’s why next Thursday’s debate is so critical.

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