Some during the early hours of the morning, the Rain came, and the water rose. So much so that my fences are gone, and so are my dogs. So you will excuse me if it is a while before I answer your comments and emails, as I need to rebuild my fences, and hunt for my dogs.
{note: I take care of my dogs, but when the water exceeded the 100yr flood plain the fences went down, the dogs went out. So, I gotta go.}
Update: I found my dogs. Turns out, that after driving around the neighborhood “whistling and hollering like a damn fool “, that they had Never left the yard, but were hiding in their house
. Which, may not seem possible but, their house -because of my wife- is an 8′x10′ two story building. So I guess I should have checked the upstairs before I went hunting for them but, when I saw the fence down, I called them, and they didn’t come out. So I just naturally assumed that they were gone.
HA HA Jokes on me. But at least they are safe!
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