Trash Dispatch:
Friday night's episode of 20/20 featured a report by John Stossel on the American Health Care System called, "Who's body its it anyway?".
In it, John not only compares the American Health Care System to Canada's, and other "government" health care systems. But also, to itself. To wit, medical health care as provided by the government, and/or, it's Insurance companies. Compared to medical health care provided by "the Patient".
Yes, that's right! Medical health care provided by the patient.
How is this accomplished?
Through three ancient, and very age old techniques called, "Shopping, Free Enterprise, and Capitalism".
Turns out, that patients with High deductible insurance, or even, No insurance at all. Are shopping to find the best possible care, for the cheapest possible price. Which in turn has caused a growth of "Private Clinics" in places like the Mall and even Walmart, where "Free Market Capitalism is allowed to Compete for Your health care dollar by Lowering prices, and increasing the Quality of your health.
As opposed to low or no deductible insurance patients, who, "Don't Care" what it cost, as they are not paying for their health care, anyway.
And hey, who can blame them? I mean, if your not having to pay for your health care, then what would you care what someone else has to pay. In truth, John Stossel's report made it is Easy to see that the reason health care is so expensive in this country, is because of the Health Care Insurance Industry, and Not, because of the profit hungry Drug companies seeking to make a profit. In deed the Drug companies would Lower their prices "if" they had to compete for your dollar. But they don't have to compete for your dollar, as it is the "insurance" company that is footing the bill, and Not You.
Consequently,the health you receive is "poor", at best. And almost non-exsistent in other counties like Canada where you have to Wait 6months to a year, just for an office visit.
Oh sure, the visit is FREE!
But what does that matter when your already DEAD???
John Stossel also interviews "Micheal Moore" -the Hero of the liberal/left/communist democrat party, and propionate of the Canadian Health Care System,- who basically just sat there and Laugh at everybody who had to depend on insurance for their health care, because the truth is, Micheal Moore is Self-insured, and spent his health care dollars at Spa in Florida and not, for a Canadian Health Care facility. (Hypocrite!)
There is far more to the story than what I can print here of course. But the Trash Dispatch would like to Thank John Stossel for his incredibly concise, fair, and in depth reporting on the American Health Care System. And highly recommends that you visit John's ABC webpage HERE, and check out some of his other articles at Real Clear Politics, "HERE".

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Friday, September 14, 2007
John Stossel, 20/20, on the American Health Care System
Posted by TrashCom1 at 9/14/2007 10:08:00 PM -Permalink-
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