"A Plane has just Hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center!"
Ok, so I sleep later than most.
But on this mourning, on the morning of September 11, 2001,
it would be different.
I sleep with my radio on all night listening to the "Coast-to-Coast" radio show. Then, at 5:00am, KLIF 570 radio in Dallas, changes over to Talk Radio. I never notice the change over as I am usually fast asleep. As in deed, I was this morning as well. In truth, I don't usually get up till 9-10 o'clock. But on this morning, I don't know...
I don't know if I really do listen to the radio while I'm sleeping, or if I just use it for background noise so that I can sleep. All I know, is that suddenly, as if it had came out of the darkness of my own mind, came the report...
"We have a breaking news story we need to tell you about", the radio said.
"A Plane has just Hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center!"
Immediately I jumped out of bed and turned the TV to CNN.
It was then that I saw, the second plane hit.
Then the phone rang!
A very dear friend of mine was having a baby and, there were complications.
No time to waste, and no time to watch the TV, I hurried off to the hospital.
Of course, since I am a "guy", I could not "watch", but, it was enough that I was there. So I went into the Waiting room where, there was a TV, tuned to CNN.
That's when the South Tower of the World Trade Center, a symbol,
THE symbol, of American Pride, ... collapsed!
Born in that moment, "Chantal".
A bouncing baby girl who, to this day,
does not know what happened on that fateful day.
A day of great tragedy, and grief.
And a day of great Joy, and Relief.
As both mother and daughter were doing fine.
The rest of course is History as America would soon forget this day. In deed some would even say, America did it to herself. And that in truth, she, "America", deserved everything she got.
It has now been six years since that day. And those very same people now control the hearts and minds of the American people.
[Link]: CNN's "Day of Terror Video Archive"

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Plane has just Hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center!
Posted by Trash Dispatch at 9/11/2007 07:13:00 AM -Permalink-
Labels, Tags, and Categories 911, Terrorism, World Trade Center
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