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Monday, August 20, 2007

Senator Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (IL) Democrat (part 1).

Trash Dispatch: Senator Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (IL) Democrat

Much like "this guy- Ron Paul" who, is taking the Internet by storm. Senator Barack Hussein Obama Jr. seemingly came out of nowhere to command the attention of the American voter, (and even those who don't vote, but do complain). But just "Who is this guy- Barack Obama"? And why should I vote for him?

According to documents obtained by the Trash Dispatch, "Barack Hussein Obama Jr.", is an Attorney, and a Profession Lecturer, who served in the Illinois State Senate from 1996-2004, and was elected as an Illinois State Representative to the United States Senate in 2004, where he Now sits on a multitude of committees.

{Committees: Foreign Relations, Member; Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, Member; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Member; Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Member; Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security , Member; Subcommittee on State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration, Member; Veterans' Affairs, Member;. }

He is also a member of several different organizations: [Trinity United Church of Christ, present Center for Neighborhood and Technology; Chicago Annenberg Challenge; Cook County Bar; Cook County Bar Association Community Law Project; President, Harvard Law Review; Board Member, Joyce Foundation; Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law; Leadership for Quality Education; Board Member, Woods Fund of Chicago.]

Senator Barack Hussein Obama claims Chicago, IL. as his hometown but, the truth of the matter is that he was born in Honolulu, HI. Not that that would normally mean anything. But that, neither is President Bush a "native" of Texas, could mean something.

At any rate, and to continue. Senator Barack Hussein Obama has a whole host of awards which include: "Best Spoken Word Album, Grammy Award, 2006; Chairman's Award, National Association for the Advancement Colored People, 2005; 100 most influential people in the world, Time Magazine, 2005; 10 people who will change the world, New Statesman, 2005; Harold Blake Walker Award, Christopher House, 2005; Rock the Nation Award, Rock the Vote, 2005; Outstanding Legislator Award, Campaign for Better Health Care and Illinois Primary Health Care Association, 1998; Best Freshman Legislator Award, Independent Voters of Illinois, 1997; Monarch Award for Outstanding Public Service, 1994; “40 Under 40” Award, Crain's Chicago Business, 1993."

And he has a number of publications which include; "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" (1995); "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" (2006) and "It Takes a Nation: How Strangers Became Family in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina" (2006)."

But probably the most interesting fact about Barack Obama, is he "REPEATEDLY REFUSED TO PROVIDE ANY RESPONSES TO CITIZENS ON ISSUES THROUGH THE 2004 NATIONAL POLITICAL AWARENESS TEST". And that he, "REFUSED TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WHEN ASKED TO DO SO BY: Major News Organizations and key national leaders of both parties including, John McCain, Republican Senator Geraldine Ferraro, Former Democratic Congresswoman Michael Dukakis, Former Democratic Governor Bill Frenzel, Former Republican Congressman Richard Kimball, Project Vote Smart President "

Now, I'm sure Mr. Obama isn't Hiding anything, in as far as where he stands on the issues. However, with his latest Nuclear declaration which almost threw Pakistan into a state of emergency, you have to wonder... just what do we Really know about this man? And just why didn't he complete the 2004 National Political Awareness Test (NPAT), so that we the people would know where he stands on the issues. Not that he couldn't, or wouldn't change his stance by the 2008 Presidential Election. But at least we would have the most current and "up to date" information available instead of having to refer all the way back to the 1998 NPAT which he did complete in 1998, but which was also Pre-911.

{ Dispatch Note: The National Political Awareness Test (NPAT) asks candidates which items they will support if elected. It does not ask them to indicate which items they will oppose. Through extensive "Vote Smart" research of public polling data, they discovered that voters are more concerned with what candidates would support when elected to office, rather than what they would oppose. Which means basically, that if a candidate does not select a response to any part or all of any question, that does not necessarily indicate that the candidate is opposed to that particular item. Nevertheless, while the NPAT may have limitations in the amount and type of information it provides; the Trash Dispatch notes that the NPAT forces a candidate to put his viewpoint on record. For more information about the National Political Awareness Test (NPAT), a link is provided below. }

So "why" did Senator Barack Obama Refuse to answer the NPAT in 2004??? Well, may be he didn't want us to know about his Nuclear position. But then again, maybe he didn't want us to know something else!

For the purpose of discussion, published below is copy of Senator Barack Obama's "1998" NPAT. About which, the Trash Dispatch poses this question: "What do You see?" Is there something in the results of this test that would make you change your mind? And if not, then why do you think Senator Barack Obama refused to answer the 2004 NPAT?


Please indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding abortion.
a) Abortions should always be legally available.
b) Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy.
c) Abortions should be legal only when pregnancy resulted from incest, rape, or when the life of the woman is endangered.
d) Abortions should be legal only when the life of the woman is endangered.
e) Abortions should always be illegal.
f) Abortions should be limited by waiting periods and parental notification requirements.
g) Prohibit the late-term abortion procedure known as "partial-birth" abortion.
h) Support "buffer zones" by requiring demonstrators to stay at least 15 feet away from abortion clinic doorways and driveways.
X i) Other
Abortions should be legally available in accordance with Roe v. Wade.
Undecided j) Should Illinois government funding be provided to clinics and medical facilities that provide abortion services?

Affirmative Action
Indicate the principles you support (if any) concerning affirmative action. State government agencies should take race and sex into account in the following sectors:
Yes a) College and university admissions
Yes b) Public employment
Yes c) State contracting
d) Other

Indicate which principles you support (if any) to address crime.
a) Increase state funds for construction of state prisons and for hiring of additional prison staff.
b) Support contracting with private sector firms to build and/or manage state prisons.
c) End parole for repeat violent felons.
d) Expand the use of the death penalty for additional circumstances relating to murder.
e) Oppose the death penalty.
X f) Implement penalties other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders.
g) Inform communities when a convicted sex offender moves into the community.
X h) Increase state funds for programs which rehabilitate and educate inmates during and after their prison sentences.
i) Decriminalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.
j) Strengthen penalties and sentences for drug-related crimes.
k) Strengthen penalties and sentences for sex offenders.
l) Prosecute juveniles who commit murder or other serious violent crimes as adults.
X m) Provide funding for military-style "boot camps" for first-time juvenile felons.
n) Require "impact incarceration" (23 hours per day lockdown) for the first six months of each prisoner's sentence.
o) Support laws requiring restitution to crime victims at the personal expense of the criminal.
p) Require HIV testing for all incoming prison inmates.
q) Other

Economy and Employment
Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning the economy and employment.
X a) Provide low interest loans and tax credits for starting, expanding, or relocating businesses.
X b) Reduce state government regulations on the private sector in order to encourage investment and economic expansion.
c) Support limits on cash damages in lawsuits against businesses and professionals for product liability or malpractice.
X d) Increase funding for state job-training programs that re-train displaced workers or teach skills needed in today's job market.
e) License additional riverboat casinos.
f) Fund construction of a new major airport to serve the Chicago metropolitan area.
g) Other

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding education.
X a) Increase state funds for professional development of public school teachers and administrators.
X b) Encourage private or corporate investment in public school programs.
c) Provide parents with state-funded vouchers to send their children to any participating school (public, private, religious).
X d) Favor charter schools where independent groups receive state authorization and funding to establish new schools.
e) Support sex education programs which stress abstinence.
f) Support sex education programs which stress safe sexual practices.
X g) Increase state funds for school construction and facility maintenance.
h) Increase state funds for hiring of additional teachers.
i) Endorse teacher-led voluntary prayer in public schools.
X j) Fund public school education in Illinois by increasing certain state taxes and decreasing local property taxes.
k) Support a constitutional amendment eliminating the Illinois State Board of Education and replacing it with a cabinet-level Department of Education led by the Governor.
X l) Provide state-funded tuition and fees to any Illinois student who attends a public college or university as long as they maintain a B average.
m) Advocate bilingual education programs in public schools.
n) Other

Environment & Energy
Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the environment and energy.
X a) Require the use of cleaner burning fuels in order to prevent pollution.
X b) Support "self-audit" legislation which creates incentives for industries to audit themselves and clean up pollution.
c) Require a cost/benefit analysis to determine the economic impact of proposed environmental regulations before they are implemented.
d) Require the state to fully compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses on privately owned land.
X e) Provide funding for recycling programs in Illinois.
f) Request added flexibility from the federal government in enforcing and funding federal environmental regulations.
g) Suspend participation in unfunded, federally mandated environmental protection legislation.
h) Restructure the electric utility industry to allow consumers to choose their power company.
X i) Support state funded efforts to decrease erosion and make other improvements along the Illinois River.
j) Allow local authorities to block construction of large livestock facilities.
X k) Support "right to know" laws, making information available to communities exposed to hazardous substances.
l) Other
Undecided m) State environmental regulations should not be stricter than federal law.
Undecided n) Do you support continuing Illinois' status as a host for low-level radioactive waste disposal?

Government Reform
Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding government reform.
a) Do you support amending the Illinois Constitution to limit the number of terms of the following officials?
Undecided 1) State Senators and Representatives
Undecided 2) Governor
b) Do you support current limits on the following types of contributions to state legislative candidates?
1) Individual
2) PAC
3) Corporate
Yes c) Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information?
Yes d) Do you support imposing spending limits on state level political campaigns?
Yes e) Do you support partial funding from state taxes for state level political campaigns?
Undecided f) Would you vote to ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring an annual balanced federal budget?
g) Other
No Answer

Gun Issues
Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning gun issues.
X a) Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.
X b) Increase state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.
c) Maintain state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.
d) Ease state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.
e) Repeal state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms by law-abiding citizens.
f) Favor allowing citizens to carry concealed firearms.
X g) Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.
h) Other

Health Issues
Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding health issues.
X a) Provide tax incentives to small businesses who provide health care to their employees.
X b) Ensure that citizens have access to basic health care, through managed care, insurance reforms, or state funded care where necessary.
X c) Provide health care to uninsured children by expanding Medicaid.
d) Transfer more existing Medicaid recipients into managed care programs.
X e) Use state funds to continue some Medicaid coverage for legal immigrants.
f) Limit the amount of damages that can be awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.
g) Guaranteeing medical care to all citizens is not a responsibility of state government.
X h) Support a "bill of rights" for managed care patients, allowing them to choose a specialist as their primary care provider, file grievances without fear of penalty from their provider, and receive any emergency care they might need.
i) Require the names of HIV positive people to be reported to local health departments.
j) Other

Social Issues
Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding social issues.
X a) Increase state funding for programs to prevent teen pregnancy.
X b) Provide tax credits for businesses that provide child care for their employees.
X c) Increase state funds to provide child care to children in low-income working families.
X d) Deny or suspend state-issued permits and licenses to parents who are delinquent in paying court-ordered child support.
e) Favor banning smoking in public places.
X f) Increase state funding for Head Start in order to serve additional children and/or increase services from a half to a full day.
X g) Increase state funding for community centers and other social agencies in areas with at-risk youth.
X h) Support state funding of programs for at-risk youth such as guaranteed college loans and job training and placement.
i) Other
Yes j) Do you believe that the Illinois government should include sexual orientation in Illinois' anti-discrimination laws?
Undecided k) Do you believe that the Illinois government should recognize same-sex marriages?

State Budget
Indicate the funding levels you will support for the following general categories. Select one level only.
Maintain Status a) Agriculture
Greatly Increase b) Education (K-12)
Maintain Status c) Education (Higher)
Maintain Status d) Environment
Greatly Increase e) Health care
Maintain Status f) Law enforcement
Maintain Status g) Transportation infrastructure (highways, roads, bridges)
Slightly Increase h) Welfare
i) Other
No Answer

State Taxes
Indicate the tax levels you will support. Select one level only.
Slightly Increase a) Alcohol taxes
Maintain Status b) Capital gains taxes
Greatly Increase c) Cigarette taxes
Slightly Increase d) Corporate taxes
Slightly Increase e) Gas taxes
Slightly Decrease f) Income taxes (incomes below $75,000)
Slightly Increase g) Income taxes (incomes above $75,000)
Slightly Decrease h) Property taxes
Maintain Status i) Sales taxes
j) Other
No Answer
No k) Do you support a flat tax structure for state income taxes?

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding welfare.
X a) Maintain the 2-year limit on cash assistance.
X b) Maintain the current work requirements for able-bodied recipients in order to receive benefits.
X c) Increase employment and job training programs for welfare recipients.
X d) Provide tax incentives to businesses who hire welfare recipients.
X e) Support state-funded loans for facilities seeking to provide child care for welfare recipients.
X f) Increase access to public transportation for welfare recipients who work.
X g) Allow welfare recipients to remain eligible for benefits while saving money for education, starting a business, or buying a home.
h) Limit benefits given to recipients if they have additional children while on welfare.
i) Eliminate government-funded welfare programs.
X j) Continue to extend state-funded welfare benefits for legal immigrants.
k) Other

Legislative Priorities
Please explain what your two main legislative priorities will be if elected. Please explain how you would obtain any additional government funding needed to implement these priorities.
No Answer


Trash Dispatch: Don't miss, Part 2 of our informative series, "Senator Barack Hussein Obama's Voting Record". Coming Soon!

Also coming soon, Part 3, "Who is Barack Obama?" A compilation and analysis.

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