Actually, I guess I should say; "Smurfs being USED to Brain Wash Children". But then, ALL cartoons do that. Some to the idea that Life is a fantasy. While others, to the idea that life, is HELL!!!
And to the latter, the United Nations has now joined, and in deed takes the lead role in Brain Washing our children into the "Life is Hell" mentality but with, a very Special, and Subtle, "Message". That message... (detailed HERE, and later in this article), and the subtlety with which it is presented, belies the ulterior motive of the United Nations. Not since the Garden have I seen such Craftiness, and Cunning. No, the Serpent never actually called "God a LIAR", and an "Oppressor", but it was in his message saying, "Ye shall not surely die! For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:4-5)
There is not a man or a woman on the face of this planet who wouldn't be PISSED to find that, *they were looked down upon by another or, Others.* That in fact, they were..., no, let's make this a little more Personable. That in fact *YOU*, are looked upon as being "insignificate", and "Petty" in Your beliefs. And that You are Worthless, but as a Slave. Now do you get my point? Convince your "prey", that they are being victimized by Your enemy, and your prey, will turn against your enemy, even if, your enemy, is *Their Own Parents*.
The United Nations knows this.
Even as did the Serpent in the Garden who, through Deception,
Caused Eve, to REBEL!
And why the "Smurfs", are Perfect for delivering just such a deception, to our children. Friends they are to our children. Playing with them, comforting them, even giving them advice in matters of Love and Life. How DARE our parents Murder them!
Oh, but it wasn't your parents says the United Nations in their "Incantation of Rebellion/Solicitation of Funds to Save the Smurfs Campaign/Deception*. For LOOK!!! Up in the sky. It's a bird. It's Superman. No!
Ok! So they didn't actually show American Bombers (I don't think?).
But then, the Serpent never said God lied, either.
He merely *implied* it. But then, that was all it took, wasn't it?
At any rate, you can read more on the United Nations plot to turn the children of Belgian against the United States..., or rather, a more detailed account of the actual Bloody scenes in the ... Fund-raiser? Commercial? I'm not really sure what they are calling it other than an "*Info-mercial* to educate the public in the horrendous nature of the theft of children's rights in IRAQ". So that even though they may, or may not show American Bombers in the skys over Smurf-ville, the insinuation is quite clear.
America is God, and Must be Rebelled against.
America is Evil.
America, Must DIE!!!
For More "info-mercial" details read: UNICEF Snuffs Smurfs - Yahoo! News

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Smurfs, Brainwash Children in an Un-presidented Attack Against America
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