The purpose of the Grand Jury is to act as a Buffer between the Government and it's people. It is to PREVENT the Mis-use of Power by the Government.
The directive of the Grand Jury, is to determine "if" there is "enough" evidence, to even warrant a trial. In it's determination, the Grand Jury may call witnesses, and otherwise examine the evidence presented *By the Prosecuting Attorney* who, of course, will do his best, to Convince\manipulate the Grand Jury to find favor with *His determination* of the case at hand.
I, myself, have served on the Grand Jury and I KNOW;
*What goes on behind the CLOSED DOORS!*
The prosecuter will present First, even Before the evidence, His Judgement, as to weather or Not, the Grand Jury should "Indite" or "No Bill", the person charged in a crime. It is at this point where the Grand Jury can, and often is, Manipulated into handing down a decission based upon the Prosecuter's FEELINGS, rather than upon any Evidence, as there has been no evidence yet presented.
As I said. I have Been there. I know what goes on. And now, I am passing that knowledge on to you. The prosectuter walks in. And with an Act that would rival Hollywood. He, or she, the prosecuter. Will *act* as though they themselves have just been Victimized; and as though *WE*, as the Grand Jury, *just Can Not let this go on*; and then Speak saying: "If Anybody ever Looked guilty, it's This Guy!"
The SEED planted, the prosecuter will continue to Solicite an Emotional response..., No, an emotional Judgement from the Grand Jury, even before, any evidence has been presented.
I witnessed this first hand. I was there. First you Piss the Jury off at the guy you are trying to indite, and any evidence, or Lack of evidence after that, is meaningless as "YOU", have Already been CONVICTED!!!
Well, "indited" anyway. Still, the way things work, is that once the prosecuter has his inditement, he will then go before a judge who will scedule a Trial, and issue a warrant for the arrest of the offender if, he or she is not already in custody, or otherwise detained.

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Friday, October 14, 2005
Manipulating the Grand Jury: what goes on behind "Closed Doors"
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