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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trash Dispatch- Sarah Palin.

When Momma ain't happy, Ain't Nobody happy!

Trash Dispatch:
Sarah Palin.

Sarah Louise Heath Palin (born February 11, 1964) is the Governor of Alaska and the Republican vice-presidential nominee in the 2008 United States presidential election.

Sarah Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska city council from 1992 to 1996, and then won two terms as mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002. After an unsuccessful campaign for lieutenant governor of Alaska in 2002, she chaired and served as Ethics Supervisor of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004.

Elected governor of Alaska in November 2006, Sarah Palin became the first woman and the youngest person to hold that office. She defeated incumbent governor Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary, and former Democratic governor Tony Knowles in the general election.

On August 29, 2008, Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain (failing in the polls), announced that he had chosen now Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. She was nominated, and did Accept that nomination at the 2008 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Sarah Palin is now the first woman Ever, to run on the Republican presidential ticket. Ah, but there's More!

The tide has Changed. The Polls have turned.

Since her nomination, Sarah Palin has become a phenomenon of support for the Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain. And for the Republican party itself. But for the Democratic party, she has become instead, a Phenomenal Party Pooper.

You see, until Governor Sarah Palin's acceptance of the Republican nomination for Vice-president of the United States. The Democrats had enjoyed the support of both the Black vote, and of the Female vote as Senator Hillary Clinton was... -or at least- "was supposed to be", the Democrats choice for Vice-president of the United States.

That prospect did not turn out to be true however, as the Democratic Presidential nominee - Senator Barack Obama (voting record)- nominated instead, Congressman Joe Biden of Delaware for the vice-presidential position. A mistake which he is now coming to regret as women, particularly White women, are now shifting their support over to the Republican party.

But Why?

Do women not determine their choice for the Presidency of the United States, on the "issues"?

I mean, Sarah Palin is Pro-Life! And a Conservative for God's sake!
How could any decent feminist Democratic Woman, ever even consider voting for her?
Especially a Black feminist woman?

What we see, we judge. Yet what we see, is not of flesh. But of spirit!

In Sarah Palin's acceptance speech, she described herself as a devoted and Loving wife (or maybe I just got that impression), but nevertheless as a Working Mom, with (5) FIVE Kids no less, and as "the" major bread winner in her home. Not that hubby was any kind of slouch, you understand. And of course not that a stay-at-home mom is in Any-Way less respectable than Sarah as a working mom. It's just that, and in deed, as Sarah Palin herself was a stay-at-home mom. And with all the concerns and fears for the welfare and Future of her children as any other stay-at-home mom. Sarah soon however, found herself thrust into her Prominent, Dominate, High Paying, "formerly Males Only" position, because of her determination to build a better world for her children. Well, maybe not a better "world". As she really only sought to change things in her own hometown of Wasilla, Alaska.

But you see, that's what makes Sarah Palin so Genuine as a vice-presidential, or even as a Presidential candidate. As it was Neither of those two Honorable persons that she ever "Aspired" to become. But rather, and in truth, at least in Sarah's case. They are "the consequence of a woman's determination to protect and defend her family." And not even the Office of the President itself, is as honorable as that!

Ironically. Sarah Palin now finds herself as a woman, and even more importantly, as a Female Leader in what is typically known as a "Man's World".

And "that" my friends, is the reason why not only are White women flocking to the republican ticket, but ALL women. Because when it comes to gender, all other issues, including race, go out the window. For in spirit, women have been oppressed by men in a man's world for Far Longer than "race" or "races" have even existed. Black, White, Green, Purple. Women don't care about those things! The only thing they care about is what they "feel". And what they feel, is they have been oppressed by men (of All colors) since the dawn of time.

Call it a perception, a delusion, or an insanity. It really doesn't matter.
Because the truth is guys. Women, as well as men, are nothing more than the sum of all their fears. And Sarah Palin, weather she knows it or not. Weather she likes it or not. Represents to women Freedom from the Oppression of men. Freedom from the Fear that a woman Cannot Succeed in a Man's world. And that's Good! For as we all know, "when momma ain't happy, Ain't Nobody happy"!

I've got a feelin therefore, that if Sarah Palin ever becomes "President".
There's gonna be a Whole Lotta Changin goin on.
And all, for the better.

Trash Dispatch Note: This post is not yet finished, and is in fact, to be continued.

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