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Monday, May 05, 2008

TrashDispatch: Obama Crashing in Polls!

Trash Dispatch:

Obama Crashing in Polls!Obama in Indiana

Seems the Black man just can’t get a break in White America. Especially not when the Black man -who would be President- preaches Kill the White man! ..Hmmm? I wonder why?

Interestingly, and Typically, it has always been the white man who has led the charge against the white man. Which would indicate a struggle for Power among the whites, with the blacks, -or rather, with the blacks “propensity” for self-loathing- as their weapon of choice.

This method of manipulation isn’t new of course. As it was first used by the Serpent to turn Eve against God simply by the “suggestion” that God had victimized, depraved, abused, and quite literally made a fool out of Eve; by telling her that she would “surely die”, should she eat of the tree of knowledge.

“For God Knows”, the Serpent said; “that on the day you eat thereof, …You shall become as the gods!”

Yep! That’ll do it every time.

And the black man “saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,” so he took of the fruit thereof, and did eat. Declaring WAR against the white man!

Ok, so Eve didn’t declare war against the white man. However, it should be noted that, that is the point at which the “separation” between God and Man (as a species) occurred.

Or rather, and to put it in words as we have come to understand them today. That is the point at which the “segregation” between Whites and Blacks (as a race) occurred.

Which is Really interesting, as that is this very message that is being Preached by none other than Barack Obama’s religion preacher, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Preaching, Not a message of Oneness, or Unity. But a message divisiveness, and Segregation. Both in deed and in Spirit, preaching the “differences” between the black man and the white man, as if, the “man” as a species, is meaningless.

“Black people are Different”, Rev. Jeremiah Wright preaches. “black people Can’t Learn the way white people do. We have to be jumping around, climbing the walls, and disturbing the peace”, he says.

It’s insane, I know. But what can you do? For once the devil has convinced you that God is a Liar, how then can you ever again believe in the truth, when it is the truth, you no longer trust?

from the AP:

Obama’s appeal to working-class whites faltering, polls show

By ALAN FRAM - Obama at the Munster Steel Company in Indiana.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama’s problem winning votes from working-class whites is showing no sign of going away, and their impression of him is getting worse.

Those are ominous signals as he hopes for strong performances next week in Indiana and North Carolina primaries that would derail the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton, his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination. Those contests come as his candidacy has been rocked by renewed attention to his volatile former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and by his defeat in last month’s Pennsylvania primary.

In an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll in April, 53 percent of whites who have not completed college viewed Obama unfavorably, up a dozen percentage points from November. During that period, the numbers viewing Clinton and Republican candidate John McCain negatively have stayed about even.

The April poll — conducted before the Pennsylvania contest — also showed an overwhelming preference for Clinton over Obama among working-class whites. They favored her over him by 39 percentage points, compared to a 10-point Obama lead among white college graduates. Obama also did worse than Clinton among those less-educated voters when matched up against Republican candidate John McCain.

AP News link


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Sal Costello said...



OBAMA only needs 282 delegates.
Clinton needs 415.5 superdelegate-list.html

Trash Dispatch said...

Why Sal, you sound almost frustrated.

Are you ok? Never mind, I know your not ok. You've fought long and hard against these self indulging politicians, not to mention your Valiant efforts to inform the public of it's eminent demise; only to have an idiot like me write an article that is apparently -at least to you- so uninformed, that it Does frustrate you. Even to the point of resorting to name calling. Which, as you know. Shows a definite lack of intelligence. (no offense.)

Still, you should realized that regardless of Hillary's standings, ...Regardless of what the cable news does, or doesn't do for Whatever reasons they do or don't do it; Obama isn't President, Yet. And while it may be too late for this post to have any effect on the Indiana or North Carolina primaries, there is still the presidency to consider. And this post will be read Many times before the occurrence of the Presidential election.

So please Sal! Calm yourself. All is not lost. Well, not completely anyway.

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