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Friday, April 04, 2008

TrashDispatch: Hilary Clinton rejects calls to quit Democratic race

Trash Dispatch:

Hilary Clinton rejects calls to quit Democratic raceHillary Clinton Rejects Calls to Quit!

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (CNN) — Sen. Hillary Clinton on Saturday rejected calls by supporters of rival candidate Barack Obama to quit the Democratic presidential race, and Obama said Clinton should remain in race “as long as she wants.”

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As Well She Should Reject those calls for Capitulation! Not for Her sake!
Not for the sake of the Democratic Party!
But for ALL OUR Sakes!!!

For the More the candidates battle it out;
the More they Tear and Rip each other Apart!…
the more we learn. ~TD

That is of course, the Opinion of The Trash Dispatch!

Nevertheless there are those who think otherwise.
And no doubt, “they” are those, who would be fooled.

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