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Friday, April 04, 2008

Chelsea Clinton: “None of your business, chump!”

Trash Dispatch: from digg, and “moeursalen” (;

Chelsea Clinton: “None of your business, chump!”Chelsea Clinton about the Monica Lewinksy scandal

“First there was MSNBC gossip columnist David Shuster accusing the Clinton
’s of “pimping” their daughter for political purposes, a notion that is insulting even if it were sanitized.”

TrashDispatch: It seems that some unscrupulous, (possibly Obama fan), had the Gall to ask Chelsea Clinton about the Monica Lewinksy scandal. “Insulting”, is not exactly the word I would have used. But then, there is No Need for the Trash Dispatch to “Trash-ment” on that particular individual. As Chelsea Clinton said it all;

“I’ve been to 70 of these campaign events and no one’s asked me that question before. Know what I think? I think it’s none of your business.”

Trash Dispatch: I’ve never really liked Chelsea, until now.

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