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Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Obama, Hillary, and Ron Paul Monster!

TrashDispatch: The Obama, Hillary, and Ron Paul Monster!

frm “climer97007″ (a digger at, a Yahoo News story.

Clinton is a Monster! Finally, someone has said it out loud!The Hillary Clinton Monster! — Breaking News! An Obama adviser found the courage and sincerity to say it like it is. Hillary is a monster. Monsters are not the people you want picking up the phone at 3AM. Monsters are not the ones you want managing health care or social security, or telling your out-of-wedlock daughter to abort her baby.

TrashDispatch: The first thing you should know is that “NONE” of Gene Climer’s description of the article, is in the Yahoo article. His description in fact, is of his own “feelings” towards Hillary Clinton, and has nothing to do with the article itself except, to use it as a “Got-cha!”. Which, is his prerogative, of course (as allows this sort of thing).

However, nowhere, and I mean absolutely NOWHERE, does this article mention anything about “your out-of-wedlock daughter“, nor abortion. In deed the article is about a slip of the tongue by Samantha Power, a Pulitzer Prize-winner, author, and unpaid adviser to the Obama campaign who, in an interview with The Scotsman, said; “She is a monster, too — that is off the record — she is stooping to anything,”. Period, end of story. Or at least, it should have been the end of the story.

Unfortunately, for the Obama campaign, his own supporters will not allow this thing to rest. As with “climer97007″ who even Changed the name of the Yahoo news story from “Obama rejects adviser’s comments” -to- “Clinton is a Monster! Finally, someone has said it out loud!”. And they will continue to berate the other candidates, and “their” supporters, causing (weather they know it or not), resentment towards their own candidate.

The irony? This is Exactly the kind of Politics Barack Obama preaches against! And in the end, -just as it happened for Ron Paul, who’s supporters were So belligerent that they infuriated any prospective supporters and in “deed” turn them against Ron Paul- will cause the Barack Obama candidacy, to lose it’s support. Or at the very least, cease the growth of support for the Obama candidacy.

As you know, The Trash Dispatch announced it’s support for the Hillary Clinton candidacy “here”. However NOTE, that in that support, No Where did the Trash Dispatch state that Hillary Clinton could be trusted. Only, that she could be controlled.

Whereas, and especially judging by the actions of his supporters(?),Absolute Obama Power Absolutely!
Barack Obama will be “uncontrollable” having Absolute Power as given him by his supporters..

And as we all know,
“absolute power, corrupts absolutely”.

TrashDispatch: Addendum.

This Trash Dispatch article is NOT, and was NOT, intended to trash the opinion, reputation, or character of “climer97007″. However, it stands, and should stand, as reminder and even a Warning to all supporters of candidates for public office. Be Careful with your words and most especially, with your treatment of those who do Not support your candidate. For it is by your own words and actions, that “they” are judged. Barack Obama obviously knows this. Which is why supporter Samantha Power no longer works for him.

And Nevertheless, let this article stand for the fact that on the internet, “Your trash, becomes Everybody’s trash”. Period, end of story.

Oh, and BTW: The actual headline/by-line as written by AP reporter NEDRA PICKLER and covered by Yahoo News reads;

Obama rejects adviser’s comments
WASHINGTON - A former adviser to Barack Obama who resigned Friday after calling rival Hillary Rodham Clinton “a monster” said Obama may not be able to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within a year as he has promised on the campaign trail.

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