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Friday, February 15, 2008

TrashDispatch: John McCain Votes In Favor Of Torture

Trash from crooksandliars-

John McCain Votes In Favor Of TortureSenator John Mccain

“The Senate voted today to ban the CIA from using torture on suspected terrorists and the most famous POW in the Senate voted against the bill…thankfully the measure passed, but for McCain, it was a show of pure cowardice.”

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TrashDispatch: The Trash Dispatch does NOT endorse, nor support Senator John Mccain for President of the United States. However, our lack of support, is Not for the reasons stated at crooksandliars.

Brainwashing, is the problem I have with Senator John Mccain.

The Manchurian Candidate! Captured by the Chinese, tortured, and brainwashed to believe that he was an American Spy; Senator John Mccain was captured by the Vietnamese, Tortured, and is now running for President of the United States, on an OPEN BORDERS platform.

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