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Friday, February 15, 2008

Senator Presidential Candidate John Mccain BASHES Barack Obama

John Mccain BASHES Barack Obama Senator Presidential Candidate John Mccain BASHES Senator Presidential Candidate Barack Obama over Barack Obama’s Campaign fund raising. But he doesn’t stop there as he would also Bash Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Hate Speech? War Mongering? or just plain ol political campaigning?


McCain scolds Obama on campaign funds AP - Republican Sen. John McCain admonished Democratic Sen. Barack Obama for hedging on whether he would accept public funding as promised if he wins his party’s nomination or use his prolific fundraising operation.

OSHKOSH, Wis. - Republican Sen. John McCain admonished Democratic Sen. Barack Obama for hedging on his promise to accept public funding if he wins his party’s nomination or use his prolific fundraising operation.

“I made the commitment to the American people that if I were the nominee of my party, I would accept public financing,” the likely GOP presidential nominee said Friday in Oshkosh, Wis. “I expect Senator Obama to keep his word to the American people as well. This is all about a commitment that we made to the American people.

“I am going to keep my commitment,” he said. “The American people have every reason to expect him to keep his commitment.”


McCain criticizes Putin for leading “puppet show”
OSHKOSH, Wisconsin (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain accused President Vladimir Putin of preparing to lead a puppet government in Russia in a blistering critique on Friday.

The Arizona senator, long critical of Putin, had harsh words for the Russian leader as he prepares to give up the presidency to a hand-picked successor and then take on a powerful role as prime minister.

“I think that Mr. Putin is trying to restore the old Russian empire. Obviously he is perpetuating himself in power in Russia virtually indefinitely by this setup of having basically a protege, someone who is doing his bidding as president while he serves as the prime minister,” McCain said.



Former President Bush to endorse McCain

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