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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hillary Clinton vs Barack Obama ''What's the Difference?''


Hillary Clinton vs Barack Obama ”What’s the Difference?”Hillary ClintonBarack_Obama-supports-Gun-rights

Robert Novac said this mourning on “Meet the Press” that, in the Democratic race, the are no Real differences “policy wise” between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And he is right.

Policy wise, there is no difference between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. In deed, that is to say, in both of their respective campaigns; neither Senator Clinton, nor Senator Obama, debate the issues facing Americans today, or even America as a country, as they are Both, the Same. (Socialist)

So, “What’s the Difference?”
“Why”, would you vote for one over the other?
And “Why/How”, is Senator Barack Obama is taking the Democratic nomination, by Storm?

The answer(s) to the questions are simple. “Likability, and Character”!

Senator Barack Obama is a “likable” kind of guy, not to mention the the fact, that Hillary Clinton has been in Washington for YEARS, and has done Nothing! Which of course, brings into question, weather or not Hillary Clinton has the Strength of character, to reel in Washington DC, or even if she would if she could as… well, I mean, just Look at her!

Senator Hillary Rodum Clinton, is a “Stiff Shirt”!
A Washington Regular!
A Washington… Robot!

There is NO likability for her, to her, at all.
As a Stiff Shirt, she constantly rubs you the wrong way. Itching, and Scratching, and Biting and Clawing. She is the epitome, of that which makes us all, Uncomfortable.

Even “Hillary Care”, makes us uncomfortable. Why? Because for one, it’s “Hillary’s” Care. Not My care!

My care is health, hospital, and Medical care; while Hillary’s care, is Hillary! Which is to say, Hillary’s care is Hillary Care! And the Truth of the matter is that No One, cares about Anybody but themselves! So if in deed Hillary wants to Win this election, she is going to have to CHANGE her-self. Change the image by which she is perceived. DUMP Hillary Care, and bring back “the People’s Care”. That’s what Senator Barack Obama is doing. He’s campaigning on “Care for the People”, and Not for his own glory. At least, that is how he is perceived. But again, be not Deceived! For in Truth, No One, cares about Anything, but themselves. So watch out Obama supporters. As Betrayal, is coming your way. Even, as it did for the Bush/Republican supporters.

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