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Monday, January 14, 2008

Trash Dispatch: Tony Romo FAILS! Dallas Cowboys LOSE!!!

Trash Dispatch:
Tony Romo FAILS!!!
Dallas Cowboys LOSE!!!

In a game that was Bigger than the Super Bowl itself, in that it would have restored fan confidence and in spirit, given them the Faith that they needed to ward off any Future Trash Dispatch; Tony Romo Loses his cool and YELLS at his Own players (Blaming the offesive line), his coaches, and yes, even the referees. This proves that there is a DARK side to Tony Romo, that up until Jan. 13 2008, had been hidden from the public and his fans.

Many of course, will Still refuse to open their eyes. In deed, writer Rob Phillips... -are you ready for this?-... Blames Patrick Crayton for dropping a single pass.

The Rob Phillips article says Nothing about Tony Romo, and merely gives honorable mentions to Marion Barber, Terrell Owens, and Terry Glenn.

But the worse part about the Rob Phillips article, is the headline... "Heartbreaker", he calls it. (You can almost hear the tears running down his cheeks, along with ALL the other Cowboy fans.) But make no mistake, this game was NOT a heartbreaker, it was an EMBARRASSMENT!!!

And I Don't mean an embarrassment to Tony Romo, (SKREW TONY ROMO). I'm talking about the SHAME Tony Romo has now brought to his fans, to the fans of the Dallas Cowboys football Team, and to the Dallas Cowboy Football Organization itself, for having a quarterback who Doesn't Care what the fans (he calls critics) think, saying; "I'm comfortable in my own skin".

Well Tony, maybe you Are comfortable in your own skin. But the Dallas Cowboy Football Fans, are No Longer Comfortable with Your skin!

You BETRAYED us, Tony!
And you betrayed us,
for Another Woman.

[Pic taken from shows Tony Romo Running for his Life, as he didn't even have the presents of mind to get rid of the ball, before being Sacked for a Thirty Yard Loss!)

In truth, I guess, I should be directing my anger towards Dallas Cowboy Football Coach Wade Phillips, as it was he who Failed, to keep Tony Romo focused on the game. But hell, he should have to! I mean, look folks, even Terrell Owens, who is known for his Bad attitude, came into the game with a Good attitude, and prepared.

Trash Dispatch: The Blood of the Dallas Cowboy Football Fans, is on the hands of Tony Romo! And should Wade Phillips get Fired over this, then let Wade's blood also be on Tony's hands.

Wipe that Smile off your face Tony. Perception, is Everything!
And after your Outburst on the field, the fans now Know who you are.
Not the hero once "perceived", but a liability. And a Cancer, that needs to be Removed!

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