Trash Dispatch: In last night's Republican Debate, Rudy Giuliani Criticized Fred Thompson!
But that's not all!
Presidential canidate, and former 911 mayor of New York (as we are so often reminded), Rudolf Giuliani criticized newly announced and now "rival" for the Republican nomination Fred Thompson, for his late entrance into the race, AND, for his Absence in last night's Republican Debate.
Well 911, Mr. Giuliani! But were YOU not absent from the Republican debate in Iowa?
Yes!!! As a matter of Fact, you were absent from the Republican debate in Iowa!
So just WHO do you think you are, Mr. Hero? Criticizing a fellow Republican even, for doing Exactly the Same thing "YOU DID"???
Oh, but it doesn't end with hypocrisy, does it Mr. Giuliani?
Oh, no!
For in an interview you gave to Fox News channel's "Hannity and Combs" immediately after the debate, you made a statement which, can only be interpreted as an attempt to DECEIVE the Legal Citizens of the United States, as You stated; "Of course it's ok for *illegal immigrates to Stay in the United States, as long as they are Not breaking the law."
Well, Mr. God's Gift to the American populous, Rudy Guiliani. Either your statement was, and is an attempt to Deceive the American people, OR, you must think we are all IDIOTS!!!
For if the *illegal immigrates, you have Vowed to protect, are in fact, "illegal"; then THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW!!!
YOU MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... DECEIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How could you even Think, that the American people would fall for such a Deception?
Oh some may. No doubt. But not if The Trash Dispatch can help it!
Trash Dispatch: "Former Mayor of New York, and Presidential canidate, Rudolf Guiliani, is a DECEPTIONIST!!!
And one who believes the American people to be FOOLS!!!"
Oh, and one last point about Rudy guilini's criticisms of Fred Thompson.
No, Wait a Minute! Let me make the Trash Dispatch, Perfectly Clear.
YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE, GUILIANI!!! And I wouldn't trust you with the security of My Blog! Much LESS, the security of the United States of America!
The Trash Dispatch SPITS in your eye, you TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Trash Dispatch: Rudy Guiliani Critisises Fred Thompson! But that's not all!
Posted by TrashCom1 at 9/06/2007 10:03:00 AM -Permalink-
Labels, Tags, and Categories Adultery-Treason and Traitors, Breaking News, Candidates, Elections, Politicians, Politics
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Hell YEA!! I hate that lying dirt bag Guiliani too. He is the worst type of scum there is! He should 9/11 his 9/11 rite up his 9/11! How can he (& Bush) claim to be tough on terror when they were in charge when the worst terror atack in the history of the US happened?!?!? Fuckinng scum sucking doosche bags. If I ever see Guiliani on the street I will walk up to him and kick him rite in the nuts!!!
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