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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why isn’t pot legal in U.S.?

Trash Dispatch:
In an article produced by “Gloria Baraquio” :shock: for the “Hawaii Tribune”, Gloria writes:

“When I first moved here, I thought marijuana was illegal. And then after living here a few years, I realized that everyone and their mom either smokes it, buys it, grows it, or sells it. So then I thought weed wasn’t illegal. But then in the past few weeks, I’ve been hearing about these drug busts and house raids and farms getting shut down, which has made me start to think, once again, that marijuana is in fact illegal.”

It is quite obvious, to someone who isn’t stoned,
that if you have questions about the law, you ASK!!!

And what better authority to ask, than the law itself?
This simple solution however, seems to have escaped the brain cells of the Hawaiian columnist. As in truth, so have a lot of other things.

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