Trash Dispatch: Draft dodgers are making a comeback
"webtechgeek", a digger at, has dugg an article from Reuters titled,
"FEATURE-Young Israelis dodge the draft, some in protest".
webtechgeek never commented on the article himself (or herself), however, the article has caught fire in diggs and comments. Here is the excerpt as posted at digg.
"To many she's a traitor, a coward and a parasite. But 17-year-old Israeli "draft dodger" Saar Vardi says if more people thought like her, the Middle East would be a more peaceful place."
And she is right! What does it matter who rules the world, as long as she can do, whatever she wants to do? But then, that's the problem, isn't it? For under the rule of Islam, she would dead. Or worse! Her family raped and murdered right before her eyes. Yet she, is left to live. I wonder. Would she then, be so accommodating? Nevertheless, there can be no doubt, that under a One World Dictatorship, there would be peace.
Why is it then, that "peace activist", hate Bush?
Is it because they had rather be under the rule of "Ahmadinejad"?
I do not know. But i do know this.
The 17-year-old Israeli "Saar Vardi",
cares nothing for me or mine,
but only for herself.
And to save herself,
she would sell me and mine, (and even you and yours),
to the enemy for Execution!
Reuters: "Vardi is part of a growing group of young Israelis who are refusing to sign up for mandatory military service, often in protest over the Jewish state's occupation of Palestinian territory or because of last year's unpopular war in Lebanon." Army statistics show the number of young people who do not enlist for military service has crept up in recent years to more than 1 in 4 men in 2007 and more than 43 percent of women. "People refer to me as a traitor and say that my country has given me so much and I'm not willing to give anything back, like a parasite," Vardi, a student, told Reuters. "But I know what I believe ... If truly everyone saw things the way I see them then we wouldn't need an army."
Yes Vardi, that is true. All we have to do, is whatever "You" want us to do, and YOU, will then keep the peace. Until such time as we Submit to Your will however, there will be WAR, and TERRORISM, and MURDER, and DEATH!!!
You quite right Vardi. If everybody thought like you do, the world would be dead, and there would be peace.
Trash Dispatch:
Anti-War Activist, are Hypocrites!
They Demand Peace!
And yet they WAR!!!
In truth, they are dripping in Blood.
Yours, and mine.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Trash Dispatch: Draft Dodgers are Making a Comeback
Posted by Trash Dispatch at 9/25/2007 11:45:00 PM -Permalink-
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