Trash Dispatch: In an interview with Fox News reporters "Hannity and Colmes" just after the Republican Presidential Debate, former 911 mayor of New York, "Rudolf (Rudy) Giuliani" exposed himself when asked by Liberal Democrat advocate "Alan Colmes" (whom, I Don't like), about his Crime Reduction tactics while he (Giuliani) was Mayor of the City of New York.
The former 911 Mayor of New York "danced" for a bit, -making Smoke and Mirror comments about how he handled Crime in New York- but then Alan Colmes, in an effort to Pin Down the Presidential candidate in what he (Giuliani) had just said, asked;
"So, you Are FOR illegal immigrates remaining in the united States?"
To which, Rudy Giuliani replied;
"Of Course, it's ok for *illegal immigrates to Stay in the United States as long as they are Not breaking the law."
So there you have it folks. The TRUE intentions of 911 HERO Rudolf Giuliani, Exposed!
And just in case, You, the reader of this article, Cannot SEE the exposure. Allow me to explain it to you.
Illegal immigrates ARE, Breaking the Law!!!
They Break the Law, just by being here! And yet, Presidential Candidate, 911 Hero, and former Mayor of New York city "Rudy Giuliani" would have you believe, that it is "ok" to be "illegal", as long as you don't break the law. WHAT???
Wait a minute! Maybe he meant, it is "ok" to break Some laws, as long as, I guess, you do not break HIS laws. For it is quite obvious, that the laws and Values of Rudolf Giuliani, DO NOT coincide with the laws of the United States of America! Nor does his Values coincide with values of the American people. At least, not with the Values of the Trash Dispatch. As the Trash Dispatch VALUES the SOVEIGNTY of the United States of America. And NOT, the values of CANameriMEXICO!!!
The Trash Dispatch therefore, Stands AGAINST Rudy Giuliani as President of these United States! Period! End of Story!
But what about, You? Do you Support Rudy Giuliani?
And if so, then WHY??? Are you illegal?

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Friday, September 07, 2007
Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani Exposes Himself!
Posted by Trash Dispatch at 9/07/2007 01:50:00 PM -Permalink-
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