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Friday, August 31, 2007

Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, -I'm not gay-.

Ok Senator, so your not gay. But you got caught! And that's the problem. Well, maybe not.

After all, you now have a whole new constituency. Gay, though they may be, "Voters" nonetheless.

Something you should know Senator Larry Craig -or should I call you "Larr"- it really Doesn't Matter if you did, or are, or if you didn't, and are not gay. You're gonna get a whole bunch of FREE Publicity! And you should take advantage of that instead of shrinking back and defending yourself from the "stoning" you are now suffering as a result of your "alleged" impropriety. Well, at least it was alledged until you pleaded GUILTY!

But in either case, and in the end Mr. Craig, in this world, you are "Damned if you Do, and Damned if you Don't!" Or ain't. Or whatever. But again, it does not matter if you are, or if you ain't. They only thing that matters is that what is going on now might well be considered as "Gay Bashing" if it were not for the fact that you Claim to be straight. Far better it would be, to admit to being Gay, even if you ain't, as that way you Could raise the issue of Gay Bashing. And I mean, what was that Cop doing harassing gays in the bathroom, anyway? Doesn't he know the rule concerning "consenting adults"?

So, just go on about your normal business Senator Larry Craig. And as for those republicans who are abandoning you to the wolves?... Eh, an accusation of HOMOPHOBIA should clear that up. And back the Democrats off as well.

Remember, in this world, it is Better to be Evil, than good.

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Anonymous said...

Pisses me off that everyone's asking for Craig's resignation yet David Vitter actually has sex with a prostitute and he's given a standing ovation in the Senate. Is it because his offense wasn't gay sex? Or is it because he asked for God's forgiveness? Or is it because he's in a democratic state and if he resigns he'll be replaced by a democrat?

Trash Dispatch said...

Ah, hahaha. I'm with ya Tim. The "hypocrisy" in this country, is it's insanity.

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