Barbara Simpsom of the World Net Daily writes:
Our Own Government! The Government of the United States of America. My government, states that if you are doing your job, in protecting the borders of the "citizens" of the United States, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
This is "INSANITY"!!!
How can this be happening???
But that the "citizens",
the "Legal" citizens of the United States of America,
"allow it to happen".
Why do we not stop this outrage?
Why do we not Take Control of our government,
and force them to grant immunity to our Border Patrol agents, instead of giving immunity to "Drug Dealers / Illegals / Criminals", so that "they" can prosecute and even imprison our own law enforcement officials?
I'll tell you why. It's because We Don't Care Anymore!
We have all been sucked into this mentality that it's the United States government that is the problem, when in reality, it is the "citizens" of the United States that is the problem. Our government can do nothing, but that which we "allow" it to. And we are allowing it, to be ruled by Foreign sources of power, as the people of the United States, have relinquished that power.
In truth then, the United States of America, "must" fall.
As it is nothing more than a bunch of "white bread", and "crackers".
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