Bagdad? No. Fallujah? No!
Fox News-The evacuation of the New Orleans Superdome was suspended Thursday after gunshots were fired at a military helicopter.
Also being reported; about 1000 "private citizens" showed up with their own private boats to help rescue New Orleans flood victims BUT, were stopped, after the First boat that went out was Shot At by the Insurgent Terrorist who have taken over the city of New Orleans including, the New Orleans Superdome.
Yesterday, generators were stolen from the Children's Hospital!
The Trash Dispatch now concludes that; New Orleans is a sink hole of Violence, Murder, and death. And should be Exterminated, for the sake of the nation. Of course, that ain't gonna happen. Instead, the US Gov. will Negotiate with these Terrorist, even as it has done in Iraq, Iran, and hell, let's face it. The United States Government, Has No Balls! And that the American people themselves, are no better than Animals. Proof of this, is in the videos we see on TV.
If then, America. A nation that Represents what people can do when they govern themselves, is No Better, than a nation with no government at all, then, ? ... If we can not control ourselves, ..... and we Need a gov. to Control us, then,
God Bless,

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Thursday, September 01, 2005
Insurgent Terrorist Take Control of New Orleans!
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