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Monday, August 15, 2005

Cindy Sheehan Communist Invade Crawford Texas

Friday, Aug.12 2005

Some time in the late mourning, the phone rings.
It's my friend.
Calling to inform me that "something",
is amiss in Crawford Texas.

My friend, MF, (who's name shall remain anonymous), had been driving back from East Texas listening to the "Mike Gallager radio show", when he heard that Cindy Sheehan, a grieved mother of a son lost in the war in Iraq, was at President Bush's Crawford Ranch protesting the war and calling not only for the return of the troops, but for a "Personal" meeting with the President which, I guess, is understandable, and wouldn't be so bad *if*, she had not already met with the President, and came away from the meeting saying "Good Things" about the President, not to mention, that pulling the troops out of Iraq would be the most Diasterous Defeat in American history with no second prize going to Viet Nam.

So, and again, understadably. This seemed betrayal of support for the President upset my friend, provoking him to call me saying; "Let's Go to Crawford in a show of support for our President!"

Well ok. I needed some "exclusive" material for my blog, "The Trash Dispatch", anyway so, as soon as MF got back into town, we loaded up the truck and headed to Crawford.

Now, try to understand. I had never heard of this Cindy Sheehan. All I knew, was what MF was telling me about her on the way to Crawford. So I'm thinking, as we're driving, that maybe, there is some validity to what she was saying and doing. Not that I would doubt MF. But that as the sole editor and writer for the Trash Dispatch, I have a Duty and a Responsibility to distinguish trash from junk. And not only for my readers, but for My Self, as well as for the Integrety of the Trash Dispatch itself.

(Note: Trash is actually Better than junk in that, it Can Be, Cleaned-up! ... Junk on the other hand, is Worse than trash in that it Can't be cleaned-up. It has to be Kept. Just in case you need it.)

And thus, in using that analogy to distinguish between Trash, and Junk.
I can now say with confidence, that that, which I found in Crawford,
is TRASH!!!

And I mean I havn't seen Trash like this, since the 1960s. Freaks and Hippies and Dope Heads and a woman, who believed the Serpent when he said, "Bush Lied to you!"

Pray for her people. For in truth, she has been Decieved!
And she is now Surrounded,
by a bunch of Communist (Commune -ist) Hippies,
and Freaks.
And when I say Freaks, I mean Blood Sucking Vampires who,
having No Soul (soul-less creatures), No Purpose, No Life Blood of their own, Must Feed, upon the Life Blood of the living, and of the Innocent, until they are Just As Dead and Corrupt as They Are!

You should have Seen it people. (I hope to have some pictures soon.)
It was like, like, well it was like in the movie "Poltergeist" where "Carrol Ann" (the innocent), had been Abducted by the "TV People", and was now being Held, "Close to Them!" (Remember?)

So close in fact,
that I did not even take the chance to interview the woman as,
1) Her answers would have been "pre-programmed,
and 2) ...
"I was Afraid of getting My Throut Cut!"

Why? because They knew, that I knew,
that if Cindy Sheehan ever heard the Truth,
they would Lose her.
And that's something that they just will not allow.

In deed, as soon as we arrived.
MF and I were reconized by these "Soul-less Blood Suckers",
and singled out as being "TroubleMakers"!
And I mean, they actually went to the U. S. Secret Service guys,
and told them that we were there to start trouble.

And the Secret Service guys,
now being manipulated by the Sepent,
made us, go stand in a Ditch,
on the Other side of the road,
in the Hot Texas Sun,
and "DAMN",
we were only Two Guys people.
They were at least 30 to 50 of them. And we never even said anything to them. Yet because of their Fear, they created a wall. A wall to keep us, away from her. Cindy Sheehan, their light, their god, their Possession!

Belonging no longer to herself,
Cindy Sheehan now belongs to Them!
The "TV People".
And they will Never let her go.

------- Post Note: I will be posting more on this, and the "TV People", in the future. Until then, let me end this post, on this note.

There was a "Freak" with Orange colored Hair, and a Guitar.
He, sang songs of F--- the President, F--- America, F--- Walmart,
and the Women who were there, were Loving it.

I should point out however, that the women,
who were mostly Fat and Ugly (tho not all).
Looked as tho, they were "Diseased Gutter Trash"!

Sores, on their arms and legs.
No make-up on their faces (which they Really needed).
And an overall "Stench" that can only be described as,
"The Smell of Death, and Rotting Flesh!!!"

Let no man, or especially child, go near these women.
Lest the same fate as has befallen Cindy, befall him.
And he be never heard from again.

There is a sub-culture of individuals who like to percieve themselves as, "Vampires".
They dress themselves up, and even pretend to be evil.
But they are Nothing when compared to what I found in Crawford.

God help us all, this is the Trash Commander, signing off.

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