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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Does Right to Privacy include, Plotting Terrorist?

The Iraq Sun is reporting on an article in the Houston Chronicle. In it, American Muslims are Caught with Anti-American, Anti-democratic, Anti-Social, Pro-Teorrorism documents of the Islamo-Fascist, Wahhabist.

Question: "Do they have the Right to Plot in Secret?"

This is a Must Read for Anybody with children as it is the common practice of muslims to Threaten Death to your child's family, if your child, does not convert to Islam.

Islamic leaders say no radicalism preached here

Feb. 15, 2005, 6:28AM
Islamic leaders say no radicalism preached here
Anti-American material found in 2 local mosques is disavowed
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

Local Islamic leaders say Houston's Muslim community does not practice the radical, anti-democratic theology preached in some books and pamphlets that a human rights group said were found in two local mosques.

In a recent report, Washington, D.C.-based Freedom House said the Saudi government has distributed in U.S. mosques anti-American and anti-Jewish propaganda that reflects a "totalitarian ideology of hatred that can incite violence."

The propaganda, the group said, espouses Wahhabism, the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia.

In Houston, Wahhabism-related materials were found at the Islamic Society of Greater Houston North Zone Masjid at 11815 Adel Road and the Masjid El-Farouq at 1207 Conrad Sauer Drive.

"Just because those books were there does not mean that the organization condones such books," said Rodwan Saleh, president of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston. "All of these books ... they don't express the views of that Muslim community."

He said the local Islamic Society is investigating how the literature was placed in the two Houston sites.

In the wake of 9/11
Wahhabism has gotten a lot of attention following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on Washington and New York City. In the coordinated attacks, 15 of 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, where many say radical ideas were influenced by the state's official form of Islam.

Paul Marshall of Freedom House said the purpose of the report was to show that Saudi Arabia encourages ideas that could foster terrorism.

Zayed Saif, El-Farouq mosque administrator, said mosques in every part of the world get literature from Saudi Arabia, but that doesn't necessarily make them Wahhabist.

"We're not a Wahhabi mosque," he said. "Our imam is totally against that theology."

Saif said the literature mentioned in the report is no longer at his mosque.

The report states that Saudi-based literature titled Islamic Guidelines to Reform the Individual and the Society was found in the Adel Road site. According to the report, the literature states that dictatorship and democracy are destructive principles. Democracy is especially destructive because it requires government and religion to be separate, nullifying Islamic law.

The report goes on to discuss how Wahhabi theology compels Muslims to reject democracy and create Islamic alternatives.

'Sacred obligation'
According to the report, a Saudi-published book, To Be a Muslim, found at El-Farouq states that "a sacred obligation of jihad" is to establish Islamic societies in non-Muslim countries.

Nail Al-Jubeir, spokesman in the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., said his government has not supplied materials to U.S. mosques for years. While the Saudi government is investigating the materials, he believes most were placed in mosques by people who have nothing to do with his government.

Jim Coates, spokesman for the local office of the Islamic Circle of North America, said the materials mentioned in the report are not anti-American, but they do represent a minority view of Islamic conservatives.

"Certain Christian groups promote a Christian way of life with sound moral values," he said. "I think Muslims should do the same thing, but, at the same time, the values shouldn't be that they harm people."

Coates said some groups in Islam disagree with U.S. democracy because it excludes religion from government.

Coates said a small group at Masjid El-Farouq is puritan in their thoughts, but the mosque is far from extreme.

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