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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Correction: Bush Story

The "Main Stream Media" would like for us to believe the U.S. and Coalition Forces in Iraq, a Failure. More; that the Coalition is Breaking up, and that the Mission (For Democracy), is at best, Fool-hardy. And at worst, "Criminal".

Consequintly, they Distort, and sometimes Out Right LIE (i.e. Dan Rather), in an effort to MANIPULATE and/or even CONTROL, Public/World opinion.

Therefore; "The Trash Dispatch",
in keeping with it's mission to rid the world of trash, declares the following "Correction" as published by the AP (Associated Press) as GARBAGE!

Note that the Story that the AP is claiming to have "erroneously reported". Is one which the facts could have been *Easily Checked Out BEFORE Printing*.

Note also; that the DATE of the story, is limited to "Feb 9", with the year being left out.

Next: the explaination offered by the AP is *Ancient History*. Meaning; that the story that the AP is now correcting would Not, and Could Not have been "erroneous", if only the AP had not been so Bent on Manipulating Opinion thus, substantiateing the need for Trash Disposal.

And Finally, NOTE::: There is NO APOLOGY!!!

Yahoo! News - Correction: Bush Story: "Correction: Bush Story
White House - AP

WASHINGTON - In a Feb. 9 story about President Bush's meeting with the president of Poland, The Associated Press erroneously reported that Singapore and Norway had left the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq. Singapore withdrew 160 troops in April of 2004 but currently is helping the coalition with a landing ship tank and crew deployed in the Gulf. Norway, one of several NATO members that opposed the U.S.-led invasion, sent a 150-member group of engineers to Iraq in July 2003. They returned home in July 2004, except for 10 officers who are still in Iraq."

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