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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Yahoo! News - Democrats Say Rice Misled About Iraq War

------- They just don't get it. The war in Iraq, and the war against terrorism, are MY Wars. Not Bush's. Not Rice's. And not Rumsfield's. The president and his cabinet are merely the men and women whom the American People, "WE the People", voted into office to take care of OUR Security even, if it means going to war(s). The senate and congress were Supposed to take care of these things. But they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. And Worse, as the democrats would just simply hand over United States sovernity to the EU, or UN, or even to the terrorist themselves as long as they(the democrats), could remain in office. And besides. We would not now be in a war to Protect Ourselves "if", Former President Jimmy Carter (Democrat), would have move against Iran when 52 Americans were taken and held Hostage, "WHY?", because the Iranians Wanted Democracy and Jimmy Carter supported Tyranny.
If, Jimmy Carter had had the Vision of now President George Bush and his Freedom around the world policy, then, "WE the People", would not be at war now. And that's all I have to say... for now! -----------------

WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats said Tuesday that Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) lied to them, misled Americans about the Iraq (news - web sites) war or served as an apologist for Bush administration failures in Iraq, but she remained on track for confirmation as secretary of state."

LINK:Yahoo! News - Democrats Say Rice Misled About Iraq War: "By ANNE GEARAN, AP Diplomatic Writer

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