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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Barbie For Sale, Auction, or Trade!

Trash Dispatch:

Christmas Barbies For Sale, Auction, or Trade!

Just in time for Christmas, Barbies4Sale is now featuring Hand-Picked Barbies for Sale, Auction, or Trade.

Barbie Dolls, Barbie Clothes, Barbie doll Houses, Barbie Accessories, Barbie and Ken, Barbie and Friends, Barbie Movies, Barbie Videos, Barbie DVDs, and a whole lot more as it seems, Barbies4Sale received a search request from a "Dad" whom, or who, is searching desperately for a Barbie Victorian doll house, for Santa Claus to give his little girl for Christmas.

Of course, a Barbie Victorian doll house with clothes and accessories sounds pretty good as a present for my little too so, if you'll excuse me, I'm headed over to Barbies4Sale!


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