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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

TrashDispatch: Televangelist John Hagee apologizes to Catholics

Trash Dispatch:

Televangelist John Hagee apologizes to CatholicsJohn Hagee at the Jewish Convention

WASHINGTON - John Hagee, an influential Texas televangelist who endorsed John McCain, apologized to Catholics Tuesday for his stinging criticism of the Roman Catholic Church and for having “emphasized the darkest chapters in the history of Catholic and Protestant relations with the Jews.”

Hagee’s support for McCain has drawn cries of outrage from some Catholic leaders who have called on McCain to reject Hagee’s endorsement. The likely Republican nominee has said he does not agree with some of Hagee’s past comments, but did not reject his support.

read more at Yahoonews | digg story

Trash Dispatch: Obviously, this is an exact replay of the Barack Obama / Jeremiah Wright scandal within the Democratic party. Only this time, it is Republican John McCain who must now defend his ties with a controversial leader of the religious community.

I, the Shadowmancher, have listened to John Hagee many times. And for the most part, he’s pretty right on. However, I always knew he was cooking his fat goose with his Damn the Catholic Church rhetoric. Although…

the Catholic Church’s Flip-Flopping of alliances during War times, is well documented. As well as it’s Playing of Both sides.

But in Today’s world, the name of the game is, “Survivor”. And so I guess, if I were to draw a line between the differences between Obama and McCain, I couldn’t!

Both men have agendas. (Unlike Hillary who is in it just for herself) What those agendas may be is any body’s guess, of course. But my fear is that it does Not baud well for the United States.

Only Hillary, Cares enough about her image, her Vanity, and her legacy, to do the things that would bring about her Glory. (serve the will of the people.)
The other two guys, Couldn’t Care Less!

Which is to say They (Obama/McCain), couldn’t care less about what anybody thinks of them -just like George Bush- and will do whatever They want to do -again, just like George Bush.

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2 comments: said...

What about Pastor John Hagee's million dollar ministry scandal? How come that is never mentioned in the media? For more info, google search "open letter to pastor hagee". Pastor John Hagee is Sr. Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio TX and is on TBN "Christian" TV.

Trash Dispatch said...

@freegoodnews- there are worse things in this world than how Hagee spends his money. For instance, how the government spends My money!

The money that "Pastor John Hagee" spends, is money that was given to him by his followers. And it effects no one but his followers. And really, not even them. As they gave to Pastor Hagee to spend as He wills, not as you will.

p.s. I read you letter. It provides NO evidence of wrong doing -otherwise I would publish it- as the Truth is, administrators of non-profit orgs, "DO" get paid. Under IRS Tax Law, it is the organization itself, that cannot be in business to make a profit.

Also, your argument that Pastor Hagee makes too much money is erroneous as obviously you have no idea what it takes to run a business of that size. And you can take offense at that if you will, but, the truth is, I've never even heard of you and your organization. Which is probably why you're trying to make a buck off a larger more successful business.

Again, take offense if you will but, "Who are You to Dictate "how" or even "how much" the pastor of a church should be paid?" In deed your actions (your letter), are those of Oppression, and Tyranny! And those things, the Trash Dispatch will not tolerate! (as I'm sure you would not either if, the shoe was on the other foot.)

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