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Friday, March 21, 2008

TrashDispatch- Eliot Spitzer’s Seven Deadly Sins

Trash Dispatch:

Eliot Spitzer’s Seven Deadly SinsScandal

Lust is the least of it. Here’s a look at the mistakes New York’s sex-scandal-scarred governor made, and the lessons for any leader—in politics or business

from Patricia O’Connell- Business Week: Stunning, shocking, schadenfreude-inducing. All those adjectives have been used to describe the fall of Eliot Spitzer, “The Sheriff of Wall Street” and the man Time Magazine named “The Crusader.” On the surface it seems his involvement with a prostitution ring and other possible illegal behavior are what doomed him as governor. But really they’re only the tip of the iceberg. As a leader and manager, Spitzer made plenty of other mistakes that made it untenable for him to stay in office.

Here are Eliot Spitzer’s seven deadly sins (with apologies to St. John Cassian, Pope St. Gregory the Great, and Dante), and the lessons they contain for any leader or manager.

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