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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trash Dispatch: White House connected to falling $US Dollar

Trash Dispatch:

White House connected to falling US $

It seems like only yesterday that I had an argument with a friend of mine about the falling $US Dollar. In fact, it was two days ago and my argument remains the same. The Bush administration has enacted it’s will to destroy the $US dollar, and usher in the “Amero” bringing the United States closer to the Globalization of our economy. And in truth, the globalization of our sovereignty.

My friend told me that I was living in “fear”, and that the Republicans, are our only hope. Yet today, my fears, and my argument, have been confirmed! —

From crooksandliars (of all places);
White House refuses to talk about the falling value of the $

Friday’s White House Press Briefing included two economic advisers to discuss the volatile economic situation here in the US…

Question: I’d like to follow up on their refusal to talk about the dollar, if I could. I mean, we’re in a kind of a bad situation here, when OPEC says the reason for $105 or $106 a barrel of oil is the falling value of the dollar — and you won’t address that issue. Where do we go to find out who is right?

MS. PERINO: Wendell, I’m under strict instructions, and have been from the beginning, to not talk about the dollar, and I’m not going to get fired to satisfy your question.

TrashDispatch: My friends, this can only mean two things.
Conspiracy, and Cover-Up! And that my fears, are warranted.

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