Trash Dispatch:
New Yankee Stadium to cost $1.3 billion
AP - The new Yankee Stadium will have party suites, a members-only restaurant, a martini bar and a price tag to match all the luxury — $1.3 billion, up from the original estimate of $1 billion. …“We tried to reflect a five-star hotel and put a ballfield in the middle,” said Yankees chief operating officer Lonn Trost, who hosted a media tour Thursday.
There will be 51 luxury suites, two large outdoor suites and eight party suites with seating for up to 410 people in total.
The 58-by-103-foot center field television screen will be six times the size of the video screen at the current stadium.
Trost said the cost overruns included $150 million in enhancements such as the giant video screen, $138 million in food and beverage costs not included in the original estimate and $50 million from delays due to a lawsuit by community groups that sought to halt construction of the stadium.
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